Tuesday, July 01, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 520

HappyUP!!! - a visit with a friend
Why it happened - he needed a favor
Why it makes me happy - I'm glad that I could give my friend a good turn. I like doing favors for people. No questions....no expectations.....just a favor.

HappyUP!!! - two miles
Why it happened - the second half of the year begins today
Why it makes me happy - it is the beginning of a journey. I have an idea of where it could go as well as certainty as to where it will go. A direction is a HappyUP!!!

HappyUP!!! - morning pages
Why it happened - I try to do them most days
Why it makes me happy - I came across an epiphany. I didn't write these when I really should have. I did them later in the morning. There was no reason to do them late in the morning. But there was also all the reason in the world. I wrote what I needed to hear today.


Beating the Dow...it was up .24% while I was up .4% today. Yesterday,
Toastmasters speeches
Coming across some direction for now
A conversation with a friend
A visit from another friend

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