Wednesday, July 23, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 542

HappyUP!!! - finding my camouflage shorts
Why it happened - I looked
Why it made me happy - I met my buddy for coffee this morning. He was wearing camouflage shorts. I got to thinking, "don't I have a pair of those?" I thought that I had bought a pair last summer. I knew they weren't in my dresser because I just cleaned out the drawer they would be in. Anyway, seeing my friend in his inspired me to look in my closet. There they were....sitting under my stack of folded jeans. It was like getting free clothing....and these shorts are like old friends. I'm wearing them now!

HappyUP!!! - great insights from a book
Why it happened - I read
Why it made me happy - I highly recommend "The Shack" especially to anyone that wants to get a different perspective on who/what The Holy Trinity is. No, this isn't about converting anyone. It gives an entirely different perspective on a range of forgiveness. We all could use some help around that one. Look for some excerpts coming in future posts

HappyUP!!! - a short walk
Why it happened - I felt like a stroll
Why it made me happy - I didn't have that much to do today....hey, I am not one of those retired people that says, "I'm so busy, I don't know how I found time to work." Hey, I don't need to be busy....I just need to "be." Anyway, this walk wasn't for exercise. It wasn't for seeing neighbors. It was about being present. There were times when I actually felt very light....almost floating. I then walked through the park where there was some kind of chaperoned children's day going on. While, if in the midst of it, you could easily think it was chaotic... like if you were one of the staff. For me, on the outside, it was HappySounds!


Coffee with my buddy
Great insights from a book
Great Tour de France stage
Compliments from a friend
Finding my camo shorts

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