Wednesday, July 31, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4855

HappyUP!!! -35 on the back side
Why it happened -quality golf
Why it makes me happy -yeah...there was some ball striking...but there was also some "golfing one's ball"....chipping it well...putting it well....should have parred 14, dang it.....yeah...that 34-32 is waiting for me. It's coming around.

HappyUP!!! -grilled scallops
Why it happened -a guy has to eat
Why it makes me happy -scallops on the barbie are my jam these days.  They stink up the house indoors. LOVE those little critters

HappyUP!!! - Trav time
Why it happened -he's back
Why it makes me happy -missed this dude the last few weeks. Was glad he had fun. Great catching up

HappyUP!!! -sharing tomatoes
Why it happened -I grow them for this
Why it makes me happy -glad my buddy swung by after golf to partake. He gave me a couple of great ideas too!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4854

HappyUP!!! - texting the J's
Why it happened -I provide
Why it makes me happy -LOVE being of service and encouragement when it is needed and can be very helpful

HappyUP!!! - buying anonymous gifts
Why it happened -Im that kind of guy
Why it makes me happy won't be anonymous. They will be unsolicited...but helpful...and thoughtful the people that receive. Love doing it just for the heck of it

HappyUP!!! -a friend getting help
Why it happened -I reached out
Why it makes me happy -alcohol is a happy this friend 1) is getting help 2) was brave enough to confide in me. I can/will support anybody who is fighting the good fight.

Monday, July 29, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4853

HappyUP!!! - yardwork
Why it happened -gorgeous morning
Why it makes me happy -a little break from the the lawn could get a haircut. Nice job!!!

HappyUP!!! - a haircut
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -what is good for the lawn is good for me. LOVE my stylist. Great chatting!

HappyUP!!! - clean chompers
Why it happened -I do that regularly
Why it makes me happy -love my Hygenist team. Had the most wonderful time in the chair today...and the feeling afterward was pretty good too. LOVE clean teeth!!!

HappyUP!!! - The Script
Why it happened -I was searching
Why it makes me happy - somehow, I missed this band. Sure, I had heard a couple of hits. Their catalog, however, gave me a GREAT lift today!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4852

HappyUP!!! - golf fill in
Why it happened -there was a no show
Why it makes me happy -put myself in best mental frame I could without any warm up....but...was just a disaster....DISASTER on the front 9. Something clicked on the 7th failed to save my 9. But, on the back, there was a mysterious confidence that came upon me. I hit 8 or the 9 greens (never do that) and shot even par...which is the WORST it could have been. 13 shots different from one side of the course to the other.

HappyUP!!! - family time
Why it happened -I got a call
Why it makes me happy - much fun! Just a nice night to be with the family. So casual.  GREAT salad!!!

HappyUP!!! - end our the tour
Why it happened -it was time
Why it makes me happy -a GREAT tour de France this year. It had it all! Viva le France!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4851

HappyUP!!! -reading
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -super insight into the TIMING of things...and some potentially great hacks.
The "third bird" concept is new....but has potential

HappyUP!!! - Tour Catchup
Why it happened -was done early with golf
Why it makes me happy -I had about 4 episodes from France to skip through. What a GREAT tour they are having this year. A mudslide? Wow!...that is rather epic

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 5
Why it happened -nice shot nice putt
Why it makes me happy -I can't tell you how many times I bogey this easy hole....TOO MANY. It's great to birdie it on occasion. I think some mental work needs to be done around this hole

Friday, July 26, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4850

HappyUP!!! - Phil's tunes
Why it happened -technology
Why it makes me happy -that is some CLASSIC Phil!!! Perked me up

HappyUP!!! -winning in numbers
Why it happened -hung in there
Why it makes me happy - things keep showing will's not there yet...but it is approaching. Did it all with no birdies today.

HappyUP!!! - salmon
Why it happened -I wanted brekky
Why it makes me happy - some people won't eat this for breakfast...and I say, "who made up that rule?" People are funny about brekky foods for brekky but not for dinner and vice versa. Not me. Great protein start to day

HappyUP!!! - chats
Why it happened -I got calls
Why it makes me happy -my chat with Dom was epic. One of the best chats I have ever had with the double N.  These were both educational and enriching...and why we live

Thursday, July 25, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4849

HappyUP!!! -Better Man
Why it happened -it floated into my email
Why it makes me happy -man...I gotta work on focus sometimes....YET...while not a big Pearl Jam fan...the composition of this tune (which is not in my genre or age range) has some magic. Nope...not was worth the distraction today. Fun texts with my buddies.

HappyUP!!! - grocery run in the heat
Why it happened -I bucked up
Why it makes me happy should have happened this morning. Glad that, while I missed the window, I punished myself to "pay the piper" and go into the heat

HappyUP!!! - getting back to peeps
Why it happened -gave things thought
Why it makes me happy -all of the stuff was important...some "on the edge"...glad to push the agenda forward

HappyUP!!! - a new kitty
Why it happened -got a video
Why it makes me happy -not saying I am doing would be a good idea to get Q-ball an "age same" friend....and...another "shark in the tank" would probably help Portia as well.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4848

HappyUP!!! - wedge on 1...putt on 18
Why it happened -some skills showed up
Why it makes me happy -another tough least it started and ended well. And....

HappyUP!!! -...saw a blistering nine
Why it happened -my opponent was on fire
Why it makes me happy -I am not sure I have seen a 32 on either 9 for awhile. Really happy for my buddy

HappyUP!!! -Inspiration
Why it happened -I read
Why it makes me happy - I think I just discovered a MUCH better way to write my speeches. TOTALLY different approach. I can't wait to finish this one, try it out, and see how it goes over. I am STOKED!!!

HappyUP!!! -Mueller Day
Why it happened -the left pushed it
Why it makes me happy -it all comes to an end and people can get on with their lives. Sure, the people that pushed this strange investigation are probably going to get their comeuppance but they aren't in power what you want with them. It's OVER...finally!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4847

HappyUP!!! - Educational Minute/Speeches
Why it happened -new members amaze me
Why it makes me happy - "if you aren't telling the audience something that is of benefit to them, you are just speaking from ego"...OK...that wasn't the exact words but it was that vibe and it was on point.
Two great speeches before I had to bug out

HappyUP!!! - artwork delivered
Why it happened -I asked
Why it makes me happy -I didn't expect it to be done! Yeah, it may need a tweak but it's in the bag

HappyUP!!! - Lads n Lassies
Why it happened -I participate...a little
Why it makes me happy - it is an annual deal that just ends up being a fun day. A great tradition

Monday, July 22, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4846

HappyUP!!! -commute
Why it happened -I had a client in Sac
Why it makes me happy -I don't do commutes...never, yeah, the thought of one brings me a bit of anxiety. No, I don't freak out about traffic. It is just a huge waste of time. Because of when I went, it was as smooth as could be

HappyUP!!! - perfect timing
Why it happened -lucky
Why it makes me happy -I wasn't there for anytime at all and immediately brought value...I am talking about the first minute and the first half hour. Nice to start that way. Great examples just delivered to us

HappyUP!!! -interviewing
Why it happened -I was asked to consult
Why it makes me happy - I have to say that I was a bit nervous. It's been over a decade since I interviewed anyone. I think I was probably better today than back in the day!

HappyUP!!! - M session
Why it happened - I have other clients
Why it makes me happy -this client has worked with my peers. We got to a place where they didn't go. It feels GREAT to have made a difference


Meeting the crew

Sunday, July 21, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4845

HappyUP!!! -hip bands
Why it happened -I ordered them
Why it makes me happy -OK....I was skeptical when they were recommended. These things are going to be THEE thing!!!

HappyUP!!! - winning with the nephew
Why it happened -an eagle (him) and some birdies
Why it makes me happy -first, it is good to win. It is even better to win big. It's even better when the other guys played pretty well! Glad I joined

HappyUP!!! -books
Why it happened -I ordered them
Why it makes me happy -dug into the first one...yep...I KNEW I placed it in my cart for a reason! It is perfect timing!!!

HappyUP!!! - the OPEN
Why it happened -it's a thing
Why it makes me happy - a really nice guy his home country. It wasn't close and it is the last of the majors which is a downer. It's the only golf I watch. BUT, it was a great highlight.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4844

HappyUP!!! - great post round chat
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -I like great conversations

HappyUP!!! -best round in months
Why it happened - see the above...and something else
Why it makes me happy -it's really a rhythm thing. It wasn't a great ball striking day...but I got some other things working a bit. Left a LOT out there on the course. A much needed good round

HappyUP!!! -pitch in on 9
Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy - this was just a perfectly lobbed 60 degree wedge. It looked good....until it started looking great....and then it disappeared. I quickly looked over at my's the 9th hole where you are trying to get a little something back...and I watched all the air deflate. I was on the other end of that the day before on this hole.  It feels WAAAAAY better to be the deflator than the deflatee.

Friday, July 19, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4843

HappyUP!!! -great pre-work for next week
Why it happened -I prepare
Why it makes me happy -lots of ideas...lots of tools...there will be no shortage of solutions to my client's issue. This will be a good one

HappyUP!!! - Akashic Record
Why it happened -I go there
Why it makes me happy -"chase it"'s a nice feel thing. I love this one.

HappyUP!!! -change in plan
Why it happened -my client has a new need
Why it makes me happy -I get to re-visit an old skill of mine! It wasn't what I had planned. We will save that for another time. Looking forward to this.

HappyUP!!! - chip in 14
Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy - took a little running 8 iron from the front of the green. A lot of my chipping has been off speed-wise. This one may have had a bit of steam on it when it hit the stick and dropped in...but not too much. LOVE making the birdie there. Needed some LOVE today!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4842

HappyUP!!! -extending myself                                
Why it happened - it's what I do
Why it makes me happy -made some great connections today...SEVERAL

HappyUP!!! - a clean slate                               
Why it happened - it's what I do
Why it makes me happy -a very appreciative client shot me a message today....THAT is all that I need to keep me going for weeks!!! Mark Twain was right

HappyUP!!! - clear desk                               
Why it happened - I did that yesterday
Why it makes me happy -when I came in to a nice work surface today, I just came ALIVE. THIS needs to be a daily habit. It fits with my morning routine

HappyUP!!! - Whole Foods                               
Why it happened - it was on my way
Why it makes me happy -I spread my grocery business around. WF is the closest to my house...but the one I probably use the least. THAT needs to change. pay a little more but the environment creates an experience!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4841

HappyUP!!! -    hole 7                            
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - another struggle...but when you hit a draw 7 iron like I did around a branch, nearly hole it out, and make the putt, you feel like success may be around the corner. HOPE!

HappyUP!!! - S.P. client session
Why it happened - I provide
Why it makes me happy -POWERFUL session delivered for this lady today. This one is going to have an impact

HappyUP!!! - hitting balls early                               
Why it happened - I pre planned
Why it makes me happy -I new I would be up against it, was I!!! It was nice to have gone over early, get warmed up, and have my equipment ready. It literally was out of my car and on to the first tee. No stress.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4840

HappyUP!!! -our newest member                              
Why it happened - we have something he needs
Why it makes me happy -I have high hopes for every member. This is going to be another special one. The club is not based on quantity but of quality. We aren't short on quantity but we get longer and longer on quality

HappyUP!!! - RTT practice session                               
Why it happened - a friend needed the credits
Why it makes me happy -her practice is my gain. I got some fabulous insights today. A boat load of rocket fuel ready for the next lift off and explosive trip

HappyUP!!! - the after meeting                               
Why it happened - I asked questions
Why it makes me happy -it was humbling to get perspective from a couple of professionals and to be included in the conversation

HappyUP!!! - finding my song list                               
Why it happened - I moved my keyboard
Why it makes me happy is time to clear off my desk. Tomorrow it will happen (unless it doesn't). It was a reminder to set aside some time for a happy project I have about a month and a half to work on. 


All the kitties on the shelf
Embracing my love for my cats

Monday, July 15, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4839

HappyUP!!! - US Women's Am qualifying                                
Why it happened - we hosted
Why it makes me happy - it was really cool to see ladies from various parts of the country...and the world...descend upon our place to try to earn a spot in the national championship. The course held up pretty well. One of the favorites couldn't get it done.

HappyUP!!! - Sophie                              
Why it happened - her best round ever
Why it makes me happy -this gal plays for my alma mater, Sac State. I have seen her around the club. Today, I got a chance to chat with her about her BEST ROUND in a tournament ever...5 under! She's moving on. LOVE that

HappyUP!!! - slideshow done                               
Why it happened - meeting tomorrow
Why it makes me happy -new opening of the speakers threw me a curve...I adapted.

HappyUP!!! -  fellow fans                              
Why it happened - Qualifying
Why it makes me happy -Jim S...Gary C...Randy...Nick from Idaho...official from the was some nice time connecting today

Sunday, July 14, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4838

HappyUP!!! -   doing some work this evening                             
Why it happened - overcame procrastination
Why it makes me happy -WOW! Got stuck on the boob tube a bit too long today. Thrilled that I pulled myself away to do the thing I was putting off......and GOT EXCITED about the thing while I was doing it. I got a HUGE Aha on this one!!!

HappyUP!!! - Wimbledon                               
Why it happened - it was the big one
Why it makes me happy -LOVE IT when it is all on the line. 5 sets which were really like 6 with the new tiebreaker rules. I would have preferred Federer but, in the end, the Joker showed a lot of intestinal fortitude.

HappyUP!!! - research and sharing                               
Why it happened - it's what I do
Why it makes me happy - glad to get that email off to someone. It's the start of something big

HappyUP!!! - a client inquiry                               
Why it happened - I put it out there
Why it makes me happy -I REALLY hope that I get to work with this lady. I don't even know what the opportunity for the upgrade is. I just know that this is a person I really want to help. 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4837

HappyUP!!! - the good doc, Bud, and JB                               
Why it happened - I golfed
Why it makes me happy -OK, I have played with the good doc that guy. I haven't been lucky enough to play with the other two. Had a GREAT time!

HappyUP!!! - getting swishy...the ball follows the hands                               
Why it happened - I am always searching
Why it makes me happy - this component has been missing as of late...but it is there when I am playing well. A little bit of range time next week should be easy to incorporate this rhythm move along with a physical one I have been working on. I'll be back in top form in no time. 

HappyUP!!! - wickedly good shots                               
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - had largos with a five iron and two 8-irons. The 8 iron draw out of the rough with the left cut pin was a PARTICULARLY sweet shot. It just feels so good!

HappyUP!!! - a real chat                               
Why it happened - it's why I am here
Why it makes me happy -it is a blessing that I am someone that can help guide people...not coach them...not tell them what to do....but to give them permission to see things differently. I am one lucky dude!

Friday, July 12, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4836

HappyUP!!! -  last two holes                              
Why it happened - who knows...I dug deep
Why it makes me happy - I picked up 16 "dots" in two holes in a Numbers game. THAT is a TON of dots and I needed them to minimize the damage. It boiled down to 2 great shots and one great putt

HappyUP!!! - bunker play                               
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy -I keep nipping it nicely. The cute little shot on 6 was particularly cool

HappyUP!!! - peach tea from a unicorn                               
Why it happened - the unicorn had it for sale
Why it makes me happy -how the heck can you not be happy when a unicorn is sitting right across the street from your house selling peach tea? The thought of it alone just made you smile. It was good tea too.

HappyUP!!! - lunch with the C's                               
Why it happened - they were hungry
Why it makes me happy -loved spending some time with this couple.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4835

HappyUP!!! - putting out the vibes                               
Why it happened - time to step up my game
Why it makes me happy -with just a little effort, I brought in a new client. NICE!

HappyUP!!! - a walk                               
Why it happened - motivation
Why it makes me happy -meant to do it earlier....but I didn't. This meant going out at the hottest part of the day. The route I took was a bit unusual but, for the most part, I did the entire trek in shade. It was actually quite pleasant. Saw some interesting events going on

HappyUP!!! -  printer fixed                              
Why it happened - I reprogrammed it
Why it makes me happy -it worked!!! The very first time!!! Exactly like it SHOULD!!! Hey, you all know that things don't always (usually) work like that. Celebrate when things go right!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4834

HappyUP!!! - partner on FIRE out of the box                               
Why it happened - he's on a roll
Why it makes me happy -made the rest of my day easy! It was awesome to see this guy birdie 3 out of the first 4 holes....including hole 3 ...the most difficult hole on the course

HappyUP!!! - finding something                               
Why it happened - it was forced upon me
Why it makes me happy -I had to hit a couple of trouble shots the other day. This required me to do something differently....and it seems to be working on regular shots. Nothing went left. More work to do but I am on the right path

HappyUP!!! - finished a tidy project                               
Why it happened - I forced myself
Why it makes me happy just looks SOOOOO nice!

HappyUP!!! - putting and chipping                               
Why it happened - I work at it
Why it makes me happy - when these are working, it makes up for a lot of other issues. The chip in on 10 was almost telegraphed before I even hit the chip.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4833

HappyUP!!! -  lavendar                              
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy -well, if I ever want my entire house to smell differently in a hurry, I KNOW the essential oil that will get it done. It went from nothing to LOVELY in about 2 seconds...everywhere!

HappyUP!!! - Mitz                               
Why it happened - she's my peer
Why it makes me happy -we had a GREAT session today. It was the perfect kind of session. The RTT journey has assisted me in meeting some great people in other places

HappyUP!!! - the guests                               
Why it happened - we are attractive
Why it makes me happy -one is going to join. The other is our Area Director who is going to be great. He was nice enough to step up and do a speech.

HappyUP!!! -  The A's                              
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy -welcome back to these two. One had been out for a couple of months. She LIT that room up just by walking in! They were great

Time to consider RTT session
Knowing my pace is MY pace

Monday, July 08, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4832

HappyUP!!! -  ready for guests                              
Why it happened - I remembered
Why it makes me happy -they are going to be impressed tomorrow!

HappyUP!!! - Training                               
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy - great BABP session as well as a masterclass. Just fabulous stuff

HappyUP!!! -   late mowing                             
Why it happened - I procrastinate
Why it makes me happy -yeah, I was racing against the dark. Yet, it seems like that is when I really enjoy running the mower over the yard. It's cool. I have a deadline. Perfect night for it

Sunday, July 07, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4831

HappyUP!!! -  Soccer                              
Why it happened - big day
Why it makes me happy -great ladies win today....and the men gave it a great shot at Mexico. LOVE high stakes sports

HappyUP!!! - solid back 9                               
Why it happened - I'm coming around
Why it makes me happy -it is probably about a week or two away...just depends if I want to do some range time. It's all about that steady spine angle. Funny thing, it ends up being effortless and the ball goes as far or farther...SHOCKER! (<----any facetious="" golf="" how="" is="" knows="" one="" p="" plays="" statement="" that="">

HappyUP!!! - paperwork done                                
Why it happened - new TM year
Why it makes me happy -just great to be set up for a fantastic year!

HappyUP!!! - hit 3 out of 4 par threes                               
Why it happened - the spine
Why it makes me happy -the par 3's have been an issue as of late. Hit some nice shots there today. Progress

Saturday, July 06, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4830

HappyUP!!! -  spine angle                              
Why it happened - I did some looking
Why it makes me happy -yep! This is definitely part of the equation. A bit more range time and the issue will be alleviated

HappyUP!!! - golfing going on around me                               
Why it happened - talent
Why it makes me happy - my partner tossed in a 2 under round...gotta love that! Our opponent tossed in a 4 under gotta love that too! Lucky to keep the loss at a minimum!

HappyUP!!! - appointment confirmed                               
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy -can't wait to work with this client. This will be a good one!

HappyUP!!! - hearing from a client                               
Why it happened - I stay in contact
Why it makes me happy -GREAT to hear this feedback. This is a special one. Nice to know all is well with he circumstances

Friday, July 05, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4829

HappyUP!!! - Cancer Masterclass                                
Why it happened - I needed it
Why it makes me happy -I'm ready to take this on with this information. Looking forward to it

HappyUP!!! - BABP session                               
Why it happened - it was time
Why it makes me happy -THIS was exactly what I needed to see today. Great education and motivation

HappyUP!!! -  picking up some speed                              
Why it happened - been practicing
Why it makes me happy -I'm not saying that I am there but I THINK I actually am moving on the fretboard at a higher level of speed. It may have been more of a mental block that I had. All of a sudden, I went, "hey...I don't usually do that." Sweet

HappyUP!!! -  driver/hold off 8 iron                             
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - been struggling but it's nice to see some glimpses of brilliance. I will get back there.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4828

HappyUP!!! -  early golf                              
Why it happened - it's a holiday
Why it makes me happy - DONE before the heat!

HappyUP!!! - Comedians in Cars                               
Why it happened - finished up a little binging
Why it makes me happy - glad that I have only seen a few of these. GREAT thing to have going on in the background while getting some work done

HappyUP!!! - tomatoes                               
Why it happened - I grow them
Why it makes me happy -they are the small ones....but they came in b4 the 4th! Always a benchmark. LOVE those gardens tomatoes

HappyUP!!! -    the 4th                            
Why it happened - we do that
Why it makes me happy - great celebration tonight! Fun times!

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4827

HappyUP!!! - even on the bookends                               
Why it happened - approach shots
Why it makes me happy -IF you have nothing going, it's at least good to play the last holes well. Somehow mustered up the action to save a few geeters

HappyUP!!! -  buddy over for lunch                              
Why it happened - I made the invitation
Why it makes me happy -I made a LOT of bbq...perfect timing to share some of it before golf

HappyUP!!! - bbq dill chicken                               
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy - it is just the BEST chicken ever. Looking forward to some good eating in the ays to come

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4826

HappyUP!!! - Trajectory test run                               
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy -the topic has some legs to it. I can polish it a little bit. It's another block to add to the repertoire.

HappyUP!!! - Comedians in Cars                               
Why it happened - it was running in the background
Why it makes me happy - I have seen a couple of episodes. It was just the perfect thing to run in the background while I did some work today

HappyUP!!! - US Wins                               
Why it happened - World Cup
Why it makes me happy -THAT was a close one...well...until the English gal got tossed. Actually, I was OK with that. I had some bad feelings about this one. On to the finals this weekend!

Monday, July 01, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4825

HappyUP!!! - Coco the Tennis Player                               
Why it happened - Wimbledon
Why it makes me happy - are you kidding me? I caught the end of this match. I think it is to get a glimpse into the future

HappyUP!!! - the artist                               
Why it happened - I returned the email
Why it makes me happy -had a great exchange today with a friend of mine. It's nice to have eclectic friends....makes me feel at home.

HappyUP!!! - PENS!!!                               
Why it happened - I'm a pen freak
Why it makes me happy -THIS is a great set! Perfect for the morning pages