Thursday, October 31, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2803

HappyUP!!! - Halloween
Why it happened - it's an event
Why it makes me happy - costs me a bit of dough....but I LOVE all of those zombies...princes/princesses....super heroes

HappyUP!!! - TM work done
Why it happened - initiative
Why it makes me happy - LOVE serving others

HappyUP!!! -144
Why it happened - Halloween
Why it makes me happy - I now have an official count to plan on for next year. What a turn out!!!

HappyUP!!! - special T or Treater
Why it happened - who can resist the good stuff
Why it makes me happy - it just did!....big smile!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2802

HappyUP!!! - getting the W
Why it happened - partner
Why ti makes me happy - yeah...I threw down a bit really was my partner. LOVE a strong partner

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 18
Why it happened - a long putt
Why it makes me happy - I stubbed my putter going back on that 35 footer...and stopped myself mid-stroke. What a gaff!!!  I re-established......and then DRAINED that puppy!....for the W

HappyUP!!! - candy
Why it happened - we got an event tomorrow night
Why it makes me happy - ahhhhhhhh.....I'm ready for those little bandits 2morrow night!


Getting the W
Birdie on 18
Skipping out on TM
World Series

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2801

HappyUP!!! - 2 guests
Why it happened - an old contact sent them
Why it makes me happy - love guests....always!....especially love it based on work I did almost 20 years ago!....legacy

HappyUP!!! - Jeannie
Why it happened - we had an appointment
Why it makes me happy - she did a GREAT job today...and gave me some great ideas

HappyUP!!! - Tina
Why it happened - we had an appointment
Why it makes me happy - she made a situation...that wasn't pleasant....SOOOOO much better!

Monday, October 28, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2800

HappyUP!!! - mentoring opportunity
Why it happened - I recognized it
Why it makes me happy - who knows what it takes to help someone make some's session may have meant nothing....or a could have been the SWITCH. Who knows? I'm just glad to be a catalyst

HappyUP!!! - rain
Why it happened - weather
Why it makes me happy - it wasn't this dry October...even a little is a lot

HappyUP!!! - appointment made
Why it happened - a bit of initiative
Why it makes me happy - yeah...there will be some expense involved...but THIS will be a good one...just took me a little time to put it in the books

HappyUP!!! - World Series
Why it happened - tradition
Why it makes me happy - GREAT entertainment

Sunday, October 27, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2799 Sun

HappyUP!!! - "heavy" feet
Why it happened - hitting balls
Why it makes me happy - discovered an old reminder...heavy feet can be a good thing

HappyUP!!! - painting
Why it happened - priorities
Why it makes me happy - not my favorite thing to do...but weather is coming....good to get it done

HappyUP!!! - World Series
Why it happened - it is the Fall Classic
Why it makes me happy - after a bunch of home improvement, it's nice to relax as the evenings begin to an American tradition

Saturday, October 26, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2798

HappyUP!!! - Member Member
Why it happened - we do tournament golf
Why it makes me happy - always great to DO BATTLE!

HappyUP!!! - great weather day for a LONG day
Why it happened - weather
Why it makes me happy - it's pretty much a sun up to sun down much fun...and God participated today

HappyUP!!! - FOOD
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - great brekko....sumptuous lunch....and lovely appetizers later....I'm full!


Birdies on 9
6 iron 11....5 iron 12....7 iron 13....putt 16....7 iron 17.....8 iron 18
Drive/hybrid/wedge 4....8 iron iron 9
Great weather

Friday, October 25, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2797

HappyUP!!! - Dickie joined us
Why it happened - he was invited
Why it makes me happy - haven't golfed with this guy in years! Great to have him out on the links!

HappyUP!!! - getting the W
Why it happened - Dick's putting
Why it makes me happy - winning with a guest.....especially against my always enjoyable

HappyUP!!! - birdies
Why it happened - I got skilled
Why it makes me happy - birdie...birdie...birdie....on 4, 5, and 6....THREW it down on my bro and his partner!  THAT pretty much gives ya a nice margin for the day!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2796

HappyUP!!! - hitting balls
Why it happened - I NEEDED TO
Why it makes me happy - after yesterday's performance, I had to get some range time in for the upcoming tournament.  Good work done

HappyUP!!! - World Series
Why it happened - it's the fall classic
Why it makes me happy - a great game!

HappyUP!!! - medical treatment
Why it happened - kind of a routine thing
Why it makes me happy - it actually went a lot better than I thought it could!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2795

HappyUP!!! - A Pilot and a General
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - A Navy Pilot gets to tell his story....and a retired Brig General gets to practice his Veteran's Day presentation....HOW COOL IS THAT?

HappyUP!!! - Eric joining us
Why it happened - the pro asked
Why it makes me happy - Eric is the pro's son.  I don't get to play with this excellent young man too often. I love what he is up to these days.  It was also pretty cool to watch him toss around a very easy 68 today

HappyUP!!! - Captain Phillips
Why it happened - this movie was on the list
Why it makes me happy - great flick!!!....even though I knew the outcome!


Toastmasters.....Navy Pilots and Veteran General
Driving Range
Drive 2....Putt 4.....9 iron 5....wedge/largo 6....hybrid/hybrid 10....wedge 11...6 iron iron 16
Playing with Eric....picking up the tab
Captain Phillips

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2794

HappyUP!!! - my speech
Why it happened - I was scheduled
Why it makes me happy - this was a fun one to dress up for....and it was very well received

HappyUP!!! - Carissa speech
Why it happened - she was scheduled
Why it makes me happy - it's a wonderful thing to see one of our student members develop. TM is going to be SUCH a boost for her in her life

HappyUP!!! - our evaluators
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - these two did a GREAT job...on speeches that were difficult to evaluate


My speech
Carissa speech
Leo and his TT's
Our evaluators

Monday, October 21, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2793

HappyUP!!! - knocking out more painting
Why it happened - gotta beat the weather
Why it makes me happy - pretty much DONE....just a couple of more spots to hit

HappyUP!!! - another Giuseppe
Why it happened - painting
Why it makes me happy - I stay away from this deli...and this sandwich....for waist expansion reasons! However, when the paint store is so close by...and I am out burning extra can I not enjoy my favorite sandwich in the world

HappyUP!!! - weather
Why it happened - it's fall in Nor Cal
Why it makes me happy - THIS is why I live here....exactly THIS!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2792

HappyUP!!! - truck wash
Why it happened - got off the fanny
Why it makes me happy - had already done a bunch of "stuff" today....enough to take a breather....which I did....then went through that great internal debate, "do I REALLY need to go wash the truck?"  The answer was NO....but I did it anyway

HappyUP!!! - a message
Why it happened - I was doing some channel surfing
Why it makes me happy - I caught a great life reminder regarding serving was great to hear

HappyUP!!! - Football
Why it happened - it's Sunday
Why it makes me happy - I'm really not a huge football fan anymore....I was at one time.  I really enjoyed the pieces of games I was able to tune in to today

Saturday, October 19, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2791

HappyUP!!! - great iPad presentation
Why it happened - I went to a great seminar
Why it makes me happy - LOVED this breakout session.....and I don't even own an iPad.....YET!

HappyUP!!! - meeting Herm Edwards
Why it happened - seminar
Why it makes me happy - this dude is a WINNER! He gave a great presentation

HappyUP!!! - phone find
Why it happened - I had left it behind
Why it makes me happy - HOW would YOU feel if you left a venue....had driven away.....look for phone on your person...pull over and confirm you don't have it....rush back to the venue...and...VOILA!!!!!.....there it is!!!'d feel like I did....pretty darn happy!

HappyUP!!! - dinner
Why it happened - a guy has to eat
Why it makes me happy - THAT was some delicious stroganoff


Running into Dick
Running into Patty
Great iPad presentation
Herm Edwards talk
Finding phone

Friday, October 18, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2790

HappyUP!!! - Lunch
Why it happened - planning
Why it makes me happy - great to hook up with the guys

HappyUP!!! - Rich!!!
Why it happened - he wanted to play
Why it makes me happy - what a wonderful day!.....and the dude darn near beat me....even though he never plays

HappyUP!!! - getting the W
Why it happened - mostly due to my partner
Why it makes me happy - it seems to be a pattern partners are picking me up big time!

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 18
Why it happened - stellar wedge and putt
Why it makes me happy - always feels great to walk off positively!!!


Birdie 14
Birdie 18
Taking home the cash

Thursday, October 17, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2789

HappyUP!!! - Giuseppe on sweet with everything
Why it happened - painting
Why it makes me happy - when working hard....a guy needs a good sandwich.....ahhhhhhh

HappyUP!!! - R chiming in
Why it happened - he wants to golf
Why it makes me happy - and a'golfin we will go.  Love playing with my old buddy

HappyUP!!! - painting
Why it happened - needed some touchup...and a bit more
Why it makes me happy - I actually don't mind painting....especially exterior where precision is not at a premium.  It always feels good to do a little home maintenance....especially when it's DONE!


Giuseppe on sweet with everything
Richie chiming in
Green elephant

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2788 Wed

HappyUP!!! - Chad
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - he did a great job today

HappyUP!!! - Vitamin K (Kirk)
Why it happened - he was paired with me
Why it makes me happy - he played GREAT!!!....and we picked up a tidy little profit!!!

HappyUP!!! - Detroit big win
Why it happened - well timed hit
Why it makes me happy - WE got ourselves ANOTHER ball game!!!


Winning TT
Vitamin K (Kirk).....$16
Detroit big win
Bro has extension ladder

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2787

HappyUP!!! - Toastmastering
Why it happened - I was scheduled
Why it makes me happy - I kind of "oopsed" this week and forgot my duty.  With the help of my group, we had a great member

HappyUP!!! - new member
Why it happened - he liked what he saw
Why it makes me happy - another opportunity to help

HappyUP!!! - Greg's speech
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - loved the cheese story.....wonderful

HappyUP!!! - Table Topics
Why it happened - Anthony was ready
Why it makes me happy - A really saved my bacon today!


Toastmaster....pulled it off
Anthony TT
New Member Joe
Greg and his cheese
Scrape and paint

Monday, October 14, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2786

HappyUP!!! - baseball
Why it happened - tradition
Why it makes me happy - LOVE the championship series....probably more than the World Series

HappyUP!!! - The Voice
Why it happened - I was doing some tube time
Why it makes me happy - this was some great competition tonight....surprises

HappyUP!!! - Pandora
Why it happened - getting reacquainted
Why it makes me happy - there was a good burn going on it today

Sunday, October 13, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2785

HappyUP!!! - Big W against the bro today
Why it happened - my partner...Vitamin K
Why it makes me happy - always love golfing with the bro...especially getting into his wallet

HappyUP!! - GREAT baseball game
Why it happened - it's the playoff
Why it makes me happy - didn't see that outcome coming

HappyUP!!! - lining up a job
Why it happened - interesting idea
Why it makes me happy - I'll be on it tomorrow!

Learning how to make beef jerky
Par on 2....wedge iron 9....recovery shot/hybrid 10....6 iron/putt 13...4 iron/9 iron/putt 14....good break/putt 15....pitch/putt 17....3 wood/wedge/putt/par 18
Vitamin K for Kelsey

Splendid weather
Getting a big W against the bro today...kinda evened out the weekend
Great baseball game...didn't see that coming
"Job" lined up

Saturday, October 12, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2784

HappyUP!!! - waking up
Why it happened - I have a tendency to do that
Why it makes me happy - photo library on my phone

HappyUP!!! - brekko
Why it happened - a Sat morning thing
Why it makes me happy - it was delicious

HappyUP!!! - 5 iron on 12
Why it happened - I FLUSHED it
Why it makes me happy - THAT was a BIG shot...hit RIGHT on the button!


Waking up
Pitch/par 1....wedge 3....8 iron 4...7 iron/greenie 5...hooked 9 iron 6....driver off deck 7...up and down 8....scrappy par 10....scrappy par 11....5 iron on 12 off 9/putt 15....little hold off recovery 7 iron 16 for par....6 iron 17....putt 18

Friday, October 11, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2783

HappyUP!!! - teaming with my brother
Why it happened - we come up in the rotation
Why it makes me happy - after all these years....and our dubious record...I still love having the bro on my team

HappyUP!!! - playing with Buddy/Lorne/and the Doc
Why it happened - they come up in the rotation
Why it makes me happy - one of my favorite groups.....tho I have an affinity for all...I really liked this 5-some today

HappyUP!!! - 36 on the front side
Why it happened - good chipping
Why it makes me happy - whenever you can squeeze out even par on a 9, it's a happy time


Thursday, October 10, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2782

HappyUP!!! - hitting balls
Why it happened - working on it
Why it makes me happy - didn't play....PRACTICED!

HappyUP!!! - chores
Why it happened - got to do them
Why it makes me happy - got a LOT of them done today

HappyUP!!! - Portia
Why it happened - it's who she is
Why it makes me happy - she was EXTRAORDINARILY cute today


Hitting balls
Other chores

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2780

And...if you have a should deliver the 
same message to him as if you had a daughter!

HappyUP!!! - Luke
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - he hit it out of the park today

HappyUP!!! - hitting balls
Why it happened - working on my action
Why it makes me happy - found a little sumptim sumptim....and that only happens when you get about an hour into the session

HappyUP!!! -  a fix
Why it happened - darn little kitty
Why it makes me happy - it's not elegant....but it will get me by until the real fix comes in

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2781

Just had this one drift across my desk...priceless!

HappyUP!!! - best evaluator
Why it happened - I guess I did a good job
Why it makes me happy - great speech I had to work on...most would leave it at that...and would be right to do so.....BUT...I found something that the speaker really appreciated for some feedback

HappyUP!!! - 4 birdies
Why it happened - that sumptin sumptin I talked about yesterday
Why it makes me happy - wasn't my best round....but it was only one off

HappyUP!!! - near ace
Why it happened - I clubbed up
Why it makes me happy - there is not a bigger thrill....than when you hit one on a par 3...and it "has a chance"....this one ended up about 18 inches


Best evaluator
3 speeches
Figgerred out a little sumptin sumpin
Drive/hybrid/wedge/putt/BIRDIE iron iron/wedge 4...bunker shot shot/SANDIE 7...pitch 9...hybrid/6 iron 10...putt 11...pitch/putt iron/putt 13...4 iron/9 iron 16...5 iron/NEAR ACE/Tap in double greenie birdie 17
Great weather
Picking up some change
Winter rules

Monday, October 07, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2779

HappyUP!!! - car drop
Why it happened - needed to go to the shop
Why it makes me happy - major deal will get well as some extras

HappyUP!!! - the walk back
Why it happened - car drop
Why it makes me happy - it was great to visit a few businesses that I may need to use....that one just drives by...I'll be expanding my "support local" soon

HappyUP!!! - another walk
Why it happened - spectacular weather
Why it happened - had a bit of adversity....but overcame it...and had a FANTASTIC walk

Car drop
Walk home
Bike shop
Another walk
Beautiful Day

Sunday, October 06, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2778

HappyUP!!! - coffee
Why it happened - grace
Why it makes me happy - soooo happy to spend a little morning time with my hosts

HappyUP!!! - wonderful drive home
Why it happened - road time
Why it makes me happy - clear roads...hammer down

HappyUP!!! - dog getting the paper
Why it happened - good training
Why it makes me happy - it's an old training deal...but I have never seen it in person....and Shadow went out and got that daily news


Coffee with Cath, Jack, Jim
Dog getting the paper
Wonderful drive home
Getting back my sweet P

Saturday, October 05, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2777

HappyUP!!! -  GRACIOUS hosts
Why it happenned - they are awesome...they insisted that I say
Why it makes me happy - I had so much fun tonite...AWESOME HOUSE....outdoor BBQ/Kitchen...watching the A's game...with new friends. IF I was back in town....I probably would have been tempted to spend the eve with some old do I best describe some of the "others" who would be there?.....hmmmm.....I'd call them pains in the neck.....but my opinion of them actually is much lower. LOL   I was so blessed to be where I was tonite!

HappyUP!!! - staying another night
Why it happenned - my hosts insisted
Why it makes me happy - while I had to forgo another event, THIS night was SOOOO worth it

HappyUP!!! - just more great guys
Why it happenned - it was an invitational
Why it makes me happy - such a GREAT day....despite my crappy golf....and that says a LOT... the environment stepped over the performance. S0000000 much fun and quality time

HappyUP!!! - one more madris
Why it happened - if ya are playing bad golf, ya gotta search elsewhere
Why it makes me happy - we have a slogan.....FOREVER! There is something about a brand!

Friday, October 04, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2776

HappyUP!!! - gracious hosts
Why it happened - I'm lucky
Why it makes me happy - I am being treated so well!

HappyUP!!! -bonus 9
Why it happened - partner wanted to play more
Why it makes me happy - I NEEDED the work

HappyUP!!! - qualifying for the putting contest
Why it happened - drained that 30 footer
Why it makes me happy - I'm lined up for some cash! My partner is too!!!


A par!
Bonus 9
Gracious hosts
Winning a match
Unbelievable driving distances
Qualifying for putting contest final

Thursday, October 03, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2775

THIS is a DANGEROUS (but fun) situation!

HappyUP!!! - seeing Jason again
Why it happened - he invited me
Why it makes me happy - the INVITATIONAL is ON!!!

HappyUP!!! - being introduced to soooooo many new friends
Why it happenned - Jason is great at that
Why it makes me happy - feels soooooo good to be soooo welcomed

HappyUP!!! - hospitality
Why it happenned - see above...Jason...and family
Why it makes me happy - I was a stranger in this land....until I walked in the door. I was taken in as one of their own


Arriving through the wind
Meeting lots of people
Seeing J again
Meeting some precious pooches
A roof over my head

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2774

HappyUP!!! - Lesson Part 2
Why it happened - my pro insisted
Why it makes me happy - I really like our pro.  He wants us to enjoy the game....maybe more than we even want to.

HappyUP!!! - running table topics
Why it happened - I was scheduled
Why it makes me happy - the meeting was "themed" today to coincide with National Sarcasm I got to say some funny things that I wouldn't be able to get away with otherwise.  OK.... of course I COULD get away with some of them.....BUT....I really wouldn't want to

HappyUP!!! - smooth delivery
Why it happened - had to drop off an important package
Why it makes me happy - all went fine and I know everything will be well taken care of from here

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2773

HappyUP!!! - Orange Chicker
Why it happened - TraderJoes
Why it makes me happy - every time that darn place hits it out of the park with a product, it makes me smile.  Apparently, it is their best selling entree.....but I have never had it!

HappyUP!!! - golf lesson
Why it happened - my pro found some time
Why it makes me happy - the game took a serious turn for the worse over the a time where I could ill afford.  We are on the right track....back again tomorrow

HappyUP!!! - Speech
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - a lot of creativity today. So glad the member was able to put this presentation together and bail us out


Golf lesson
Getting things done
Good weather
Great Orange Chicken