HappyUP!!! - par on 8
Why it happened - scrambling at it's finest
Why it happened - I hit a horrible drive into the weeds....those weeds then grabbed my club and made me pull it into the trees....I now had 50 yards up over overhanging branches.....I cut it up and the ball almost went in the hole....to my pure ball striking opponents...well....they puked at me kicking their butt on this hole....but this was classic NutterGolf.....and I delighted in it!
HappyUP!!! - club throwing
Why it happened - one of my buddy's should be a Special Olympian
Why it makes me happy - sometimes in golf...you can't control yourself....and you just need to chuck a club. M&M...my buddy...hit his chip too hard on 15....and chucked his said club.....only to do it so hard that he lost his balance and almost did a face plant....it's a classic that he will hear about for years. I was next to play...golf doesn't have time outs but I had to call one.....I couldn't hit a shot due to busting up so hard.
HappyUP!!! - the weather
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - last day of February....I was wearing shorts.....and, after golf, the top went down on the convertible. God, it was splendid weather. Why do we love golf? Never discount 4 hours of socially acceptable behavior out in the beauty of nature.
HappyUP!!! - the basement
Why it happened - I did some work down there
Why it makes me happy - it just does!
Up and down on 4
Up and down on 5
Lip out on 7
Par on 8
Convertible driving
Chats with my friend
Canada/USA hockey game
Stogie being happy
Delicious steak