Thursday, April 30, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5132

HappyUP!!! - a ride
Why it happened -had to drop off car
Why it makes me happy - it was great to get out on the road. It had been a long time...a real long time. My "engine" isn't where I would love it to's OK

HappyUP!!! -a ride
Why it happened -I had to get the car
Why it makes me happy -rather than overdoing it (which I am known to do), I acquiesced and let a buddy do me a favor!

HappyUP!!! - late night mowing
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -I don't know what it is...but I just love mowing at dusk! I just do!!! The fertilizer I laid down the other day seems to already be doing some work

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5131

HappyUP!!! - Sprouts!
Why it happened -I needed some groceries
Why it makes me happy-no crowds at this specialty store. I was able to get some items I usually buy at a discount as well. I LOVE how this store is handling "these times."

HappyUP!!! - a call from my dealer
Why it happened -I needed a fix
Why it makes me happy - no, I'm not some kind of junkie! It's about my car.  The part is in and I am scheduled to get things taken care of in the morning!

HappyUP!!! - more plants in the ground
Why it happened -I garden
Why it makes me happy - I think one more run to the nursery and I will have "put in" all I need to "put in" for this year.  Now, just add water!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5130

HappyUP!!! - Squeekers CAPTURED
Why it happened -I set a trap
Why it makes me happy- I KNEW she was on the premises. I got an animal trap. I put a blanket over it so it looked like a cave (a smart person gave me that advice). I got up early. I saw the trap had been "sprung."  Come on......can you imagine the joy that overcame me when I peeled back the blanket to find that it was MY MISSING KITTEN!!! Hey, a neighbor cat had been hanging around the trap last night!  This was a SUPERHappyUP!!!

HappyUP!!! - RTT session
Why it happened -I help clients
Why it makes me happy - I did some quality work for this lady. I have little to no question that this person will follow through and make things happen!

HappyUP!!! - a guest
Why it happened -we invited
Why it makes me happy - we had our first guest since starting our meetings virtually. She was impressed and wants to return. YES!!! We can recruit people using this format!

Monday, April 27, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5129

HappyUP!!! - A Squeekers sighting
Why it happened -I pulled my truck out
Why it makes me happy-I had to laugh. Probably 5 miles roaming all of the neighborhood alleys.....and she was probably hidden up inside my truck the entire time.

HappyUP!!! -neighbors helping with the above
Why it happened -they are so nice
Why it makes me happy -I now KNOW where that little kitty is...underneath another car. Couldn't coax her out but I am confident she is on the property. She will probably come out tonight and experience......

HappyUP!!! - an animal trap
Why it happened -Harbor Freight on a friend's recommendation
Why it makes me happy -I'm hoping to add "trapper" to my resume tonight.....and I can get that little kitty back inside where she belongs. I'm hopeful!

A long walk
Great learnings
My car dealership
Chatting with the bro
Paying no attention to the "Virus TV"
Using Q-ball as bait (didn't work)
My other neighbors
Sending out testimonials and reviews for friends of mine
Talking with guests for tomorrow's meeting...including one I used to know

Sunday, April 26, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5128

HappyUP!!! - crab cake
Why it happened -the store had them
Why it makes me happy-I LOVE a good crab cake! This one wasn't the GREATEST I ever had...but it was up there. What a nice treat!

HappyUP!!! - Last Dance Twice
Why it happened -ESPN has it going on
Why it makes me happy -what a great idea it was for someone to get unlimited footage for that final season of the Bull's run. This is some fascinating TV....even to a non-fan, I would think

HappyUP!!! - jamming with the neighbor
Why it happened -it just did
Why it makes me happy -we can play together...probably not sing....he's got me on that. It is really cool to be able to toss some lead in there. I hit one little riff that was particularly sweet!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5127

HappyUP!!! - fertilizing
Why it happened -I got the supplies
Why it makes me happy - I am FAR from being a lawn freak.....but....I do like a little greenery

HappyUP!!! - organizing
Why it happened - it was time
Why it makes me happy - it's how I roll. I let things build up....and then ATTACK. Didn't quite finish. THAT is why they make tomorrow. Things are looking GOOD!

HappyUP!!! - After Life
Why it happened - I was home
Why it makes me happy - THIS is not for everyone. You have to enjoy two things....British humor and Ricky Gervais.  It's Ricky Gervais doing Doc Martin. Man....the quick humor....and the drama... takes you to both places. Fantastic casting!....especially the dog!

Friday, April 24, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5126 Fri

HappyUP!!! - alley chat
Why it happened -I was heading for the garden
Why it makes me happy - always love talking with this guy....and got a chance to talk to the other alley neighbor that I haven't chatted with before. I have GREAT neighbors!

HappyUP!!! - Putting IN
Why it happened - I got those plants
Why it makes me happy - got all I had in during one session. Now, I just have to plan my next trip to get some more!

HappyUP!!! - great workout
Why it happened - decided it was time
Why it makes me happy - I don't usually enjoy is why I can go awhile without doing them. Today was different. I think I can make a nice little habit out of this. Nope...nothing big...but enough.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5125

HappyUP!!! - plant acquisition
Why it happened -I got up early
Why it makes me happy - hey, this was a bigger deal than it seems. It took me three tries before I figured it out

HappyUP!!! - Queen of Cuba
Why it happened -I listen to podcasts
Why it makes me happy -this was a FASCINATING listen while on my walk. Gladwell held my attention the entire time

HappyUP!!! - a visit from the local authorities
Why it happened -apparently, a problem happened in the hood
Why it makes me happy - while a little shocking to get that knock on the door, I KNEW they weren't coming to get me!!! It's also good to know that they are on it and I was able to help. It also sparked some conversations with the neighbors that was helpful. Action taken.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5124

HappyUP!!! - New Specs
Why it happened -I made a trip
Why it makes me happy - probably not an "essential" trip...the old ones worked fine...but....they'd been sitting there long enough. I dig em! BOTH pair!

HappyUP!!! -Master Class
Why it happened -I keep learning
Why it makes me happy - this was a fascinating one!

HappyUP!!! - virtual coffee
Why it happened -we keep to our schedule
Why it makes me happy -still GREAT to check in. Even got some GREAT news!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

HappyUP!!!! Day 5123

HappyUP!!! - another great route
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - LOVING my walks more than ever right now. I think it has to be the times

HappyUP!!! - Chris D'Ilea special
Why it happened -Netflix
Why it makes me happy - I have always liked this guy. When he popped up with a new show, it was a treat. After watching it, even more of a treat. The comedic mind is something I really appreciate. I really don't KNOW (but I have a suspicion) of how they come up with fresh material

HappyUP!!! - speech 
Why it happened -I do those
Why it makes me happy - I wish that I had more time....but, when you need to condense, sometimes less is even more. My new technology worked great. I also learned something about sound.

Monday, April 20, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5122

HappyUP!!! - RTT session
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy- THIS was a great one. I received a LOT of clarity today. Time to build on it. STOKED!

HappyUP!!! -6 miler
Why it happened -I needed to get out
Why it makes me happy - been sitting a bit much. It was FUN to take this route today. Just gorgeous too.

HappyUP!!! - speech prep
Why it happened -deadline
Why it makes me happy - I'm locked and loaded for my venue!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

HappyUP!!!! Day 5121

HappyUP!!! - shop vac!!!
Why it happened - had an incident
Why it makes me happy - THIS would have been a pain in the tushy to take care of. I didn't even thing the Shop Vac I own could do it. Worked like a champ!!!

HappyUP!!! - patio concert
Why it happened -I just felt like it
Why it makes me happy - I will play on my porch....but usually quietly.  After weeks indoors, I decided to LET IT RIP! Hey, I got some applause!

HappyUP!!! - chatting with the bro
Why it happened -he called me
Why it makes me happy -great getting caught up. With all that is going on, I have fallen a bit out of the loop!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5120

HappyUP!!! - Garden Beds
Why it happened -motivation
Why it makes me happy - easy earth turn....looking good....nice and clean.  Ready for planting

HappyUP!!! - Global Concert
Why it happened -people do that
Why it makes me happy - interesting technology and choices by some of the artists. I also learned, without production, some of the people aren't that good ( good, I should say).  Interesting format.

HappyUP!!! - TC invite
Why it happened -he thought of me
Why it makes me happy -always nice to be thought of

Friday, April 17, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5119

HappyUP!!! - music from D.C.
Why it happened -I made an inquiry
Why it makes me happy - so cool to hear an old friend jam some things out. Sure, it made me realize how far behind him I am....all cool.  Just great to hear him play

HappyUP!!! - Incredible Pets
Why it happened - them cats get hungry
Why it makes me happy - really had a pleasant experience from the clerk interaction, them having what I wanted, and soooo easy in and out of there during these times. I appreciate that

HappyUP!!! - Post Office
Why it happened -I needed to mail some things
Why it makes me happy - good to get this off my desk!.......the line was a bit too long to handle all I wanted to.....but that is OK

Thursday, April 16, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5118

HappyUP!!! - guitar tone
Why it happened -who knows (well...I do)
Why it makes me happy - I had put the electric away for awhile. Never "dialed in" the attenuator. I busted it out today....and BAM.....that exact sound I wanted was there

HappyUP!!! - a reggae rhythm
Why it happened -a friend sent it
Why it makes me happy -so much fun to jam over the top of it and return it quick and easy

HappyUP!!! - rice cooker
Why it happened -I was hungry
Why it makes me happy - this little workhorse had been sitting around. I didn't want to go to the I got creative. GREAT job for making rice and "rice-like" items ahead of time....but...I can see for other things as well.....QUICKLY

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5117

HappyUP!!! - NOT TAX DAY
Why it happened - coronavirus
Why it makes me happy- hey.....who wants to send a check when they don't have to! Deferral is always good!

HappyUP!!! -microphone arrives
Why it happened -I ordered it
Why it makes me happy -it wasn't supposed to get here until next month! I was stoked when I found it had arrived

HappyUP!!! - microphone works!
Why it happened -a bit of fiddling
Why it makes me happy -oh.....there is some cool stuff I can do with this wireless technology

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5116

HappyUP!!! - microphone showed up
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy- it wasn't supposed to be hear until next month.....but there it was today...and I figured it out

HappyUP!!! -a concept
Why it happened -see microphone above
Why it makes me happy -OH....I have SUCH the idea for a shctick!

HappyUP!!! - TM meeting
Why it happened -we do it virtually
Why it makes me happy - we did it the best ever today....time to invite a ton of guests and blow this deal up! The world is our oyster now!  JG brought it from the backseat....AWESOME!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5115

HappyUP!!! - dropping off the bracket
Why it happened -I'm a good friend
Why it makes me happy - I like doing a good turn for someone

HappyUP!!! - great walk
Why it happened -its what I do
Why it makes me happy - did a favor....and got in 4 miles...and other stuff....out in the sun. LOVED it today

HappyUP!!! - "Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile
Why it happened -I Spotify
Why it makes me happy - what an outstanding tune! An old one...that had slipped by me totally.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5114

HappyUP!!! - long walker/jogger
Why it happened -gorgeous day
Why it makes me happy - this is farther than I have taken the trail in years. Awesome day out there

HappyUP!!! - Easter
Why it happened -it's a holiday thing
Why it makes me happy observation of it this year for me.....but OUTSTANDING to get so many personal reminders!

HappyUP!!! - Warren Zevon
Why it happened -he came up
Why it makes me happy -great to listen to some of his stuff I didn't know. A bit grimy to learn of some details of his life....but that's OK. I'm a big boy

Saturday, April 11, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5113

HappyUP!!! - good sore
Why it happened -I ran Thursday
Why it makes me happy - my body....right on time. Not sore yesterday....but just the right amount of sore today

HappyUP!!! - hard driving
Why it happened -it was early
Why it makes me happy - definitely did a little acceleration and handling test of the new car in the "wee hours" today. All in safety. The new beast passed the test. What a blast!

HappyUP!!! - Kaui friend
Why it happened -I reached out
Why it makes me happy -not happy about the situation....but very good to connect with this old friend today.  Islands are a great place to be stranded on

Friday, April 10, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5112

HappyUP!!! - miscellaneous chat
Why it happened -weird
Why it makes me happy - this one is trippy. To trippy to describe. I talked to someone on the phone that there was NO REASON for us to chat.....and it was the loveliest of conversations

HappyUP!!! - blue tooth order
Why it happened -I looked something up
Why it makes me happy -it will be awhile....but ...if this changer

HappyUP!!! - Macan paperwork
Why it happened -it's part of the deal
Why it makes me happy -glad to know the mail works...and received this info.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5111

HappyUP!!! - a jog
Why it happened -something came upon me
Why it makes me happy -as I was doing my walk...I said, "dude ...step it up." I cut it shorter than I wanted to (yeah...I's gonna hurt tomorrow). It is a start to something bigger

HappyUP!!! -RiteAid
Why it happened -I needed something
Why it makes me happy - NOBODY was there...and, in these times, I notice stuff like that...and I appreciate it

HappyUP!!! - JUST GORGEOUS weather
Why it happened -its weather
Why it makes me happy's a stretch during isolation...but I noticed. I went out in it. Fabulous

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5110

HappyUP!!! - Ex-TM call
Why it happened -it was her birthday
Why it makes me happy -it was SUCH a nice chat to have with this lovely lady and business contact today. Can't wait for ThisThing we are under to lift so we can get together

HappyUP!!! - leftover meat loaf
Why it happened -I had restraint yesterday
Why it makes me happy -I made that one meal last to two. Pretty good for a pre-made meal.

HappyUP!!! - chat with the Prez
Why it happened -I was checking in
Why it makes me happy -great biz discussed....we keep moving forward in these times

HappyUP!!! - helping out a buddy
Why it happened -I have a skillset
Why it makes me happy -anytime I can help someone, I am all over it!

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5109

HappyUP!!! - long walk
Why it happened -I just kept going
Why it makes me happy -only meant to do a shorty but it just felt sooooo good today.

HappyUP!!! - Kindle discovery
Why it happened -I said, "there's got to be a better way"
Why it makes me happy -OMG!!! This may be the highlight of my year so far. I was absolutely AMAZED at how you can organize your highlights. The Kindle still has some drawbacks but THIS strength alone FAR EXCEEDS the benefits of a regular book.

HappyUP!!! - the numbers are turning
Why it happened -vigilance
Why it makes me happy -I'm SOOOOO proud of my fellow Californians (it's not something I can usually say) for physical distancing. We seem to have OVERPREPARED for this pandemic... and I am good with that.  We got a ways to go but my spirits were buoyed today.

HappyUP!!! - TM meeting
Why it happened -we keep doing them
Why it makes me happy -we can make them better but our virtual meetings are going SO WELL. I am tremendously proud of our groupW!

Monday, April 06, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5108

HappyUP!!! - "I'm trying on a Monday"
Why it happened -I was on a walk
Why it makes me happy -I asked a walker across the street how he was doing...and I knew EXACTLY what he meant. ThisThing we are all living under has some dark cloudiness to it. I said, "I hear ya brotha." It's good to be together

HappyUP!!! - weightlifter in the park
Why it happened -I was on a walk
Why it makes me happy -I could not believe the rig this guy had brought down to the basketball court to get in his reps.  The effort to drag his weights out of his car would have been a bigger workout than I could have done

HappyUP!!! - vegetable boxes
Why it happened -my club is great
Why it makes me happy -can't wait to support my club and dive into the vegetables!

Sunday, April 05, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5107

HappyUP!!! - grocery store trips
Why it happened -I was depleted
Why it makes me happy -I had a bit of in trepidation due to these Covid times. While my caution was warranted, the mitigation and behaviors I am seeing by my fellow Californians buy

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HappyUP!!! - Incredible Pets
Why it happened -the storms abated
Why it makes me happy -this probably makes the cats happier than me....they were getting hungry! Just kidding....but it would not have been more days!

Why it happened -it's weather
Why it makes me happy -I can't remember it coming down THAT hard for as long as it did. It was cool to watch while knowing any flooding would just be streets. Man, it literally was a gully washer. I saw the drain across the street become a fountain spewing up. I can't recall seeing that. I LOVE being inside watching that kind of action

Saturday, April 04, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5106

HappyUP!!! - Tiger King
Why it happened -I caved
Why it makes me happy -I SWORE I would not watch this show. Today, with iffy weather, I "dipped my toe in"......and watched the whole thing.  Creepy, great entertainment.

HappyUP!!! - ribs
Why it happened -I cook
Why it makes me happy - it had been awhile since I put these together....and, man, where they delicious

HappyUP!!! -scarves
Why it happened -Covid
Why it makes me happy -glad I have some.....and have learned how to fashion them into some nice fashion.....over my nose and mouth!

Friday, April 03, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5105

HappyUP!!! - Forbidden Rice
Why it happened -I found some in the pantry
Why it makes me happy -I don't know why I don't eat this wonderful side dish more often

HappyUP!!! - podcast re: nutrition
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -I got some a key area

HappyUP!!! - walking
Why it happened -I had to get out
Why it makes me happy - I had been a little slacking the last few days. Chose a GREAT route!

Thursday, April 02, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5104

HappyUP!!! - zooming with LE
Why it happened -we set it up
Why it makes me happy -great conversation this the background I needed...time for e to go to work

HappyUP!!! - zooming with Duluth
Why it happened -we set it up
Why it makes me happy -great to see this dude. Not going to be able to jam through the least at this point. It was fabulous to catch up.

HappyUP!!! - texting with some buddies
Why it happened -ThisThing we are under
Why it makes me happy - it was nice to take the opportunity this time provides to do a bit of checking in.

HappyUP!!! -KD texting
Why it happened - I hit him up
Why it makes me happy -great to hear his ideas!

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5103

HappyUP!!! - one day closer to putting ThisThing behind us
Why it happened -the 30 day announcement
Why it makes me happy -after a couple of weeks apart, the idea of 30 more days and all of the consequences is daunting. Yet, I know a month passes SOOOOO quickly. We will get through it

HappyUP!!! - Zoom with my buddy
Why it happened -we can't meet in person
Why it makes me happy -nice to get together again...even if the situation is a little different

HappyUP!!! - Schure microphone learnings
Why it happened -Sweetwater is the BEST!
Why it makes me happy -it was fantastic to learn a little about the difference between my mics. I got the concept of recording and why certain mics are for certain things