Friday, July 26, 2024

Ol Nutter Almanac 2024


The Ol Nutter Almanac 2024


Days Predicted:  20-25 
Days to Date:  30

The Days:  
1) 6/4...101                 11) 6/30...101            21) 7/11...110                                                      
 2) 6/5...105.               12) 7/1...103              22) 7/12...110 
 3) 6/6...103                13) 7/2...108              23) 7/18...105  
 4) 6/11...104.             14) 7/3...109              24)  7/19...108
 5). 6/12...104             15) 7/4...111   .          25) 7/20... 107
 6) 6/22...106              16) 7/5...111.             26) 7/21...100
7) 6/23...104               17) 7/6...114.             27) 7/22...100
8)6/24...103                18) 7/7...111              28) 7/23...111
9) 6/25...100.              19) 7/8...102.             29) 7/24...108
10)6/29...101.             20) 7/10...107           30) 7/25...105

Most Recent Update

7/25/24 UPDATE "The Highs and The Lows" - during a discussion yesterday, the idea of "LOW Temperature" came up. It was proposed that it isn't the highs that are the key, it is the lows. It was also mentioned that it is the average low that scientists use to actually measure climate change.

That could be true

Me? Personally? I don't give a crap about the low because I am SLEEPING when the lows are happening!!!

That said, lets take a look at some averages for this July versus the averages for the previous 6 July's through 7/24:

2025                Average High - 104.4        Average Low  - 67.6
2018-2023        Average High -  98.1.        Average Low -  63.6

24 days in July does not constitute a scientific study. But, unless you haven't figured it out yet, I ain't a flipping scientist.!!! 

IF we wanted to create a correlation between the numbers, however, we could extrapolate that a 4 degree increase in the low turns into a 6.3 increase in the high

I'm not sure I buy it. Might be true. I may even crank out a few more numbers (spreadsheets make things sooo easy to have fun playing with the digits) to see how that looks.

Needless to say, I don't need the news to tell me this is the hottest summer on record. I have 6 years of objective data. I have 59 MORE years of subjective data.  All data says, "it's hot as BALLZ!!! to the degree it never has been."


2024.   114.  (7/6)  (so far)
2023    111.   7/16
2022    111    7/2
2021    113    7/10
2020    110    9/6
2019    106    7/28....8/5
2018    107    7/25

Interesting Trivia - The National Weather Service says that our average hottest day falls on 7/19. I have ZERO idea how they make that calculation but, "Hey! They are scientists so they must be right, RIGHT?"  In this year's case, it was 108. While muy caliente', July 19 was not very competitive this year. "Did you hear that 7/19? You got another year. Hit the weight room and see if you can do better in 2025, you wimp!"


7/18/2024 UPDATE - July has lived up to what all was predicted on 7/1. What is ahead? is saying 10 more 100 degrees through Aug 2.  When the Aug 3 update comes in, it would take us to 33. ONCE AGAIN, rendering the Almanac as a worthless predictive tool.

 If we get to 33 with almost ALL of August to go? I doubt we will break the 2022 record of 49. However, it puts 2024 perfectly decked up for the second most 100's, supplanting the 36 of 2020

7/1/2024 UPDATE -  buckleUP!!! 2022, we had just 10 days at 100 to this point as opposed to the 11 at current. . The next hundred day was July 10 back in 2022....and we finished with 49 days in triple digits back then.  

We have 10 SOLID days of 100 predicted sin front of us. .  

Will we get the subsequent POUNDING we got in 2022?...through July..Augustt and September (yeah, I don't cut off September for "unofficial summer."  

I dunno!

If it is still BURNING IN SEPTEMBER?...It still counts.  

Average high and lows

June 2024...........96.1/61.5
Prev 5 hot years....91.7/60.1

YEP - TAKE A LOOK AT THAT!!!...almost 5 degrees higher on average during the day and only a bit more than 1 degree cooler at night....vs the lat 5 years...OF HOT SUMMERS!

Drink more water....WAY MORE WATER...than you have ever imagined you need to. Get your outside stuff done by no later than 10 in the morning. Think about going to bet earlier and getting up earlier....and just park in the house for next week and a MINIMUM

6/30/24 UPDATE - WHOA!!!! This has been a weird June. There have been more "100" activity days, I am thinking. (I need to look that up). However, versus the previous 5 years, this has been the hottest June on AVERAGE over the last 6. June has "gone out" BLAZING as well. July? Oh yeah, baby, it is teed up to come in SMOKING HOT!!! We are looking at a 109er coming in for the 4th or the 5th. We should have a good shot of breaking into those 110's

"Nutster, sounds like you are digging the heat! I thought you hated it. What gives?"

I've given up. IF it is going to be THAT hot? Hey, might as well break records...even if they are recent records!"

I WISTFULLY look back at 2011 (see below). We had 7 days at 100 or above for the entire summer. We are now at 10 and we aren't even out of June yet!

6/9/24 UPDATE -  "nothing more boring than talking about the weather," I have heard it said. 


If you are looking for BORING?..I am your guy! We are a week into "unofficial summer."

This year, we are averaging 95 as the high and 61.6 as the low. The last 5 years? Its 89.4 high and 59.2 as the low. 

YEP!!! We are starting this "unofficial summer" actually much hotter than the last 5 years...and the last 5 years have been COOKERS!

2022?...when we had 49 days of 100 or above? started at 88/60 for highs and lows for first week of June.


I really don't care for 100 degree days. I'm really hoping there is ZERO correlation between the first week of June and the rest of the summer!

5/30/24 we go again - all these years later. Yep, there was a time when a degree of science made this a bit of a predictable tool.

The RADICAL SHIFT - of temps being consistently higher since 2016 have rendered the predictive tool a bit useless

Yet - I remain optimistic.  Usually, based on the temps over Memorial Day weekend, I would call it a 10-15 days of 100 or more. I've bumped it by 10 due to this "hot spell" we have been in.  I am HOPING this is the summer we return to a degree of normalcy.  This will be the 17th year of posting the Almanac.  By scrolling down, you can see the final results of the first 8 years and the RADICAL shift over the last 8 years.  

Note: As usual, all temperatures will be provided by the same source that has been used since for Roseville, California

2023 Ol Nutter Almanac    20 t0 25 days predicted...27 actual
2022 Ol Nutter Almanac    25 to 30 days predicted...49 actual 
2021 Ol Nutter Almanac    25 to 30 days predicted....41 actual
2020 Ol Nutter Almanac    17 to 22 days predicted ...36 actual
2019 Ol Nutter Almanac.   10 days or less.....23 actual
2018 Ol Nutter Almanac   11-16 predicted.....29 actual
2017 Ol Nutter Almanac   10-14 predicted.....34 actual
2016 Ol Nutter Almanac  15-18 predicted .....30 actual
2015 Ol Nutter Almanac  12 or less predicted...16 actual
2014 Ol Nutter Almanac  11-13 predicted......14 actual
2013 Ol Nutter Almanac  13 or less prediceted....12 actual
2012 Ol Nutter Almanac  13 or less predicted...15 actual
2011 Ol Nutter Almanac  10 or less predicted....7 actual
2010 Ol Nutter Almanac 13 or less predicted.....7 actual
2009 Ol Nutter Almanac 10-15 predicted.........15 actual
2008 Ol Nutter Almanac 10-15 predicted.........15 actual

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Patient


He was released to go home yesterday. The release was probably delayed a bit because the hospital required that they KNEW oxygen had been delivered to his home. When I found out THAT was a condition? I replied in text to the family, "I'll go to Party City and get a helium tank! I's not exactly the same but it's gotta be close enough, right?"  HaHaHa

It's nice to breathe and have a little laugh

Spoke with the patient this morning. He is on 2% oxygen being provided. He is encouraged to get out and walk a bit. He wants to stop by and chip and putt a bit. He has some sort of backpack that can provide oxygen. If he goes out to the club, I told him to text me and I will DEFINITELY be there

When will he golf again? I don't know.  He lost 15 pounds in this ordeal. I'm not a weight loss expert but Im going out on a limb here to say, "NOT a good weight loss plan! I can not recommend it!"

1/14/2024  10:00 am

Patient was moved out of ICU late and a half ago.  Visited today. Clearly in recovery mode. Breathing treatments have been being administered (one while I was there).  Now, it's about getting out of the hospital. There was a very OUTSIDE chance of today. Doc said, "way better than the other night listening to the lungs...but we need more recovery time."

Today or tomorrow.  Feel bad for the patient. Tho he has done some occasional trips around the ward, this is a LOT of time to be upon one's back. Its better to be ambulatory

1/12/2024 10:45 am

Was fortunate enough to visit when patient was taken on his first walk of the hall since his admission to hospital last Saturday, 1/6.  He did great. All vitals are improved (could use more improvement) but they are much better.  No prognosis on what recovery will look like/timelines.  After seeing him walk the halls, I asked, "I'm golfing in a couple hours, want to caddy?"  (C'mon, he's obviously too sick to play...sure..we have room for a 5th but asking to join us would be rude).  

1/11/2024. 11:00 am

Patient must have been well enough that the bronchoscopy was "green lighted" and  was performed this morning in his ICU room.  Infectious fluid removed. 

I did not visit as he was undergoing the procedure. I likely won't visit today as I "give space" to immediate family. The theory is that, removing the infectious material, will make breathing and rest easier.  

Today is more of a rest day  

1/10/24 8:15 pm 

No news is good news? His brother stopped by later. The Patient was out of bed and in the chair and they played some cards. Didn't bug the family for "vitals" for probing questions. I'll visit in morning

 1/10/24 1:03 pm 

 The med team reduced the amount of oxygen he is receiving. He was getting 100%...then it is 80%

They are weening him off oxygen to make his lungs "work" harder. Think "enabling" vs "working". The med team has decided, "time for your lungs to get back to work".

He is maintaining 94 as output with reduced oxygen being provided. 

 We want the output to be 100.  It is about stabilizing/optiizing so he is ready for the bronchoscopy. 

The bronchoscopy , in theory, will clear his lungs of crap. His lungs  are CRAP. They were CRAP before this latest trip to the hospital. They have been CRAP due to lifelong illness.  If we can clear out the SLUDGE in his lungs (think about mucking out a barn stall), his lungs can function at his level of full capacity