Monday, June 07, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1225

HappyUP!!! - US Open Qualifying
Why it happened - my buddy drug me down there
Why it makes me happy - "gallerying" golf is not my idea of a good time. My buddy wanted to go and informed me of our mutual golfing friend that was attempting to qualify. I needed to get out of the house today so it was easy to go. Our friend ended up being low man over 36 holes in one of the most difficult and arduous qualifiers in the game of golf. My friend will be playing in the US OPEN....pardon me....while I gush...and drink in his happiness for overcoming obstacles and disappointments and achieving a HUGE goal.

HappyUP!!! - a card
Why it happened - I have a very thoughtful friend
Why it makes me happy - this card told me so much....meant so much.....made me so proud of my friend. It spoke to overcoming fears. Happy that I have people around me that have so much that I can learn from myself....and feed my own happiness from.

HappyUP!!! - finding my phone
Why it happened - REALLY thought I had lost it this time
Why it makes me happy - I avoided hassle...the place it was made perfect sense....though it took me forever to look for. I am just glad I can communicate again.

HappyUP!!! - starting my summer on-line class
Why it happened - I got the e-mail today
Why it makes me happy - I was thinking, "shouldn't that class be starting about now?".....then I got the e-mail....saved me time to have to do I have dipped my toe into first readings, I am already intrigued. It's also a great place to focus my attention right now.


Seeing my doc
A card
Starting my summer class
My buddy took me to watch Open qualifying
Our mutual buddy QUALIFIED for the United States OPEN
Finding my phone
Freakish timing on an e-mail from T
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”.

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