Saturday, February 03, 2007

The HappyUP!!! Experience

I am going to shamelessly use - comment material for subject material for this post.

First - because I am lazy

Second - because the WaspGoddess (the WG) gets it and her comment is perfect as an example of what we are trying to accomplish here. Whether she knows it or not, she expressed the entire benefit of HappyUP!!! better than I could have

"Despite some not so good news on Friday" - is the lead in to her comment. As said previously, HappyUP!!! does not make the not so good stuff go away. HappyUP!!! is about dealing with the bad stuff but detaching from it. Rather than attaching to the bad stuff and giving the bad stuff too much power, you now have something else to attach to.....your HappyUPs!!!

"Eating a delicious mango" - was one of her HappyUP!!!s . Now, the WG may be the kind of person that always appreciates an outstanding mango....I don't really know. What I have a strong inclination to believe, however, is that because she has been focusing on HappyUP!!!s and actively looking for them, that mango may have been a little more delicious than she would have noticed otherwise.

The mango - was the same mango. It could have been a good day, bad day, boring day, exhiliarating day. The last time I talked to a mango, the mango told me, "Nutster, mangoes don't really care what kind of day it's always a mango day."

The only thing different was the outlook toward the mango - aha!!!

Hey, when was the last time you had a delicious mango - or ? Can't remember? Perhaps you need to go back to HappyUP!!! Day 1 and give me....wait......give YOURSELF seven days of HappyUP!!!s

If you haven't figured it out - HappyUP!!! has a base in the age old wisdom of counting your blessings.

What do you say when someone says - "Count your blessings"? Yes, that's right, you probably say, "yes, I probably should. Compared to many in the world, I have it pretty good." ......

....and it ends right there - you actually feel a tinge of guilt! Guilt and HappyUP!!! do not get along very well. Actually, the HappyUP!!! is fine.....Mr Guilt hates the HappyUP!!!

Count your blessings every single day - but how? You have heard it so many times. You know you don't really do it. You don't really know how......

...oh....wait.....I think you do know HOW - HappyUP!!!!

HappyUP!!! Day 7 - coming up....later today

1 comment:

Waspgoddess said...

Wow, thanks for that, I feel all shy now...

Here they are (although day is not over yet):

1. Sleeping in - until 10:30, can't remember when I last did that. It was glorious.

2. Visiting Rosie, the "little old lady" I visit once a week as part of a volunteer organisation.

3. Your blog, it made me feel a bit of a star :)