Saturday, February 10, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 14

HappyUP!!! 1 - rain
Why it happened - because He makes it happen
Why it makes me happy - we got a pretty good dousing last night and today. We have needed it. I also have a friend who was going skiing today. I don't know if it was a good day today to be skiing. At least there was fresh snow!!!

HappyUP!!! 2 - went to a crab feed
Why it happened - old friends invited me
Why it made me happy - I dig crab! The salad was over the top. I met some new people who were very nice. I found out about a cool place in Fiji to vacation to. It was a nice night of socializing

HappyUP!!! 3 - back to the gym
Why it happened - I got off my lazy backside
Why it made me happy - I was on a strict program for all of 2006 and the latter part of 2005. In December and January, I backed off. I like the gym because I have learned to like it. I just can't leave it to my daily routine to be physical enough.

-went to crab feed
-met new people
-got most of downstairs picked up
-boxter on wet pavement
-no TV
-back to gym
-golf cancelled
-sent package to Denmark

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