Tuesday, August 26, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 576....Third Day in the Week of Festivals

HappyUP!!! - breakfast
Why it happened - my buddy called me
Why it makes me happy - HE BOUGHT! This means I have received a free meal each day since my birthday! Tomorrow is not looking like I am going to get by on the cheap, however. Of course, this isn't the only reason it was great. I love hanging with this guy.

HappyUP!!! - e-mail from a dear friend
Why it happened - the friend finally got around to checking personal e-mails
Why it makes me happy - I wasn't happy about a lot of the content because my friend is struggling. Still, I was happy to get the e-mail, respond, and make sure that we get on the calender for a personal meeting.

HappyUP!!! - golf at 3:30
Why it happened - we are trying to do this regularly while there is still light
Why it makes me happy - it's a great time to play golf...nice and warm. The three guys that I played with are great. Two of them are better than me and the other guy and I are the same. This makes for a good match

Bonus HappyUP!!! - a key swing fundamental rediscovered
Why it happened - I was fiddling around on Sunday
Why it makes me happy - today was the first day I could get to the range. I thought installing this swing key was going to be a long process. It's uncomfortable to change and do things right. While I did have a couple of loose shots, I started to hit a lot of shots properly. I also keep working on a tip that a great player gave me for my short game. It helped me to "stuff it" close a couple of times with my wedge.


Free Breakfast
Golf at 3:30
Blizzard Call
Finding a key to golf swing

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