Tuesday, August 19, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 569

- phone call from ex-employee
Why it happened - I was on her mind
Why it makes me happy - it's great anytime when someone is thinking about you. This person worked with me/for me for over 15 years. She called me out of the blue just because "that little voice" told her to. We had a wonderful conversation

HappyUP!!! - e-mail from ex-employee
Why it happened - we stay in touch
Why it makes me happy - I had a suspicion confirmed. Who doesn't like to be right?

HappyUP!!! - golf at 3:30
Why it happened - a friend set it up
Why it makes me happy - I met a great player. I got to play with two buddies. I got a skin. I hit number 7 from the top tees again. I made a very solid birdie. There was a lot to be desired about my overall play but there were enough highlights to keep me coming back.


Golf at 3:30
A very solid birdie
A great putt
Hitting number 8 again
Phone call from an ex-employee

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