Sunday, August 24, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 574....Let the Week of Festivals Begin!

HappyUP!!! - breakfast on the house
Why it happened - it was my birthday
Why it makes me happy - I didn't go to my favorite place for a special birthday breakfast. I just wanted some food on the way to the golf course. When my favorite waitress picked up on it being my birthday, she took care of the bill

HappyUP!!! - birdieing the first hole
Why it happened - driver....4 iron....and a tidy wedge
Why it makes me happy - if you are a golfer, you know it is a special feeling to birdie the first hole. It gets you off to a good start and puts you ahead of the game. Plus, this is a hole I hadn't birdied before which scores some points in a side game I have with my friend, R. This hole also put about $10 in my pocket right out of the blocks.

HappyUP!!! - birthday dinner
Why it happened - I put it together at Ruth's Chriss
Why it makes me happy - I had never eaten there. I sure had heard enough about it. WHAT A STEAK! The company was excellent as well. Food and's all you need!


Breakfast bought for me
Golf with my friends
Birdieing the first hole
Call from N
Call from E
Ruth Chriss
Dinner companion

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