Thursday, August 14, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 564

HappyUP!!! - a GREAT stock purchase
Why it happened - I saw an old favorite stock at a favorable price
Why it makes me happy - as soon as I bought it, it went up 8% and closed that way. No, I haven't sold it and pocketed the gain yet but this kind of thing does not happen that often. I almost have to sell it tomorrow as a wild escalation is almost asking for a pullback tomorrow........and then I could buy it again!

HappyUP!!! - Elena Dimentieva
Why it happened - the Olympics
Why it makes me happy - OK, I am going to be a guy here.....I had never heard of the Russian tennis ace. She spanked Serena Williams pretty hard today. I'm not a big Serena fan. This was one underdog that was easy to root for. She is absolutely lovely to watch!

HappyUP!!! - seeing my friend and his daughter
Why it happened - he needed to drop something off
Why it makes me happy - I hadn't seen his daughter in a few months. She's great. She is an unofficial member of our Toastmasters club. She has hit a growth spurt and is becoming a very attractive little too!


Seeing my friend and his daughter
Breakfast with another friend
Call from my brother
A GREAT stock purchase
A Great stock day
Elena Dimentieva

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