Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HappyuP!!! Day 1172

HappyUP!!! - chutting
Why it happened - I just missed a few greens
Why it makes me happy - every time I got the chutter out today, I got the ball down in two shots.....well....except for 11 where I knocked it in. When that happens, I get to collect cash at the end fo the day.

<------What the heck is going on here?

HappyUP!!! - noontime phone call
Why it happened - my buddy gave me a call
Why it makes me happy - just had a great conversation in the middle of the day with a dear friend. Hey, when you have the time, call your buds

HappyUP!!! - retrieving my 5 iron
Why it happened - it "slipped" out of my hand and went into the marsh
Why it makes me happy - I thought my club was history. Then, I looked and saw the grip and shaft sticking up out of the water and marsh. Not wanting to buy an entire new set of irons, it only left me with one choice. Go crawling and wading!

<------Hey....he looks happy! Wet...cold...but happy!

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