Saturday, June 07, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 496

HappyUP!!! - lunch with a friend
Why it happened - my friend suggested it
Why it makes me happy - I hadn't seen this guy forever....a tremendously nice guy and former employee. It was great to catch up and find some things about him I never knew. I learned some interesting info as well.

HappyUP!!! - breakfast
Why it happened - it was Saturday
Why it makes me happy - the usual banter was as good as ever

HappyUP!!! - lemonade with another friend
Why it happened - my friend and I set it up
Why it makes me happy - we had a real conversation......the ones that real friends have. They aren't always fun but sometimes people have some things to put out to others. You don't always plan these usually don't....they just go there. It was good stuff.

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