Friday, September 14, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 230

HappyUP!!! - wonderful breakfast
Why it happened - I had a recruiting appointment
Why it made me happy - I enjoyed letting someone know that there is a place for them where their careers can flourish....especially when they are already there.

HappyUP!!! - dinner
Why it happened - we had a get together after work...which led to dinner
Why it made me happy - I ate with a couple who is dear to me. My contact with them isn't as day to day as it once was with the gentleman of the couple but they are still important to are so many others that I have been blessed with as friends.

HappyUP!!! - recovery from a boo boo
Why it happened - I was scheduled to present on a conference call
Why it made me happy - because of my focus on the breakfast, I thought the call I was supposed to be on started at 10. It was 9:30. I knew that I wasn't first up so as I joined the call at 10:05, I thought I would be fine. Nope....I was already late for the stage. Yet, I was prepared and delivered .

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