Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1387

HappyUP!!! - knowing a funny old schtick
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - I got a TableTopic thrown at me today.....my brain synapsed bace to an old ditty by George Carlin...circa 1968...very appropo... and very entertaining

HappyUP!!! - brussel sprouts
Why it happened - had some at a restaurant recently
Why it makes me happy - always thought I hated them. Had them one night out...thought it was a fluke...made them here...another food I can learn to love. And, courtesy of Facebook friends, another tasty way to make them.

<----wow!...he kinda looks OK when you clean him up!

HappyUP!!! - haircut
Why it happened - my hair has been bugging me
Why it makes me happy - the damn mess is under control now!!!

HappyUP!!! - ski season coming
Why it happened - Facibook, e-mails, and phone calls
Why it makes me happy - it looks like I am going to be a skiier this winter.....cool!


Table Topics
Knowing an old funny song
Ice rink story
Buddy living in Tahoe Keys

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