Thursday, November 04, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1375

HappyUP!!! - fruit smoothie
Why it happened - I'm ill and I have good friends
Why it makes me happy - when you are fighting off a cold, who wouldn't welcome an immune boosting smoothie delivered?

HappyUP!!! - great day in stock market
Why it happened - Repub win in elections
Why it makes me happy - doesn't mean much in the long run. You try not to get too bummed during the off days...but one can have concern. Therefore, a little celebration on a good day is to be noted.

HappyUP!!! - feeling better
Why it happened - been laying low and getting good care
Why it makes me happy - so far, I am on day 4 of what has really been no more than a stuffy nose. At times, it hasn't even been that. I am optimistic that it stays that way.


Great day in the stock market
Getting some sick care
Fruit smoothie
Feeling better
Astounding weather
Finding all my products at Sunrise Natural Health

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