Wednesday, December 30, 2009

QuoteUP!!! 17 - Napoleon Hill

Remember that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they "arrive." The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their "other selves."

-Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

I came across this gem today - literally...moments ago. It was referenced by Bob Proctor so I went to my copy of this classic tome and found the passage which I pasted above.

It was curious that I came across this - right after posting the Joseph Campbell QuoteUP!!! just a bit over a day ago. As you recall, Campell talked about "leaving the life you planned to find the other one that is waiting for you."

I pay attention - to such coincidences....

...and it hit me - "these two statements do have a common link." The link is a burning desire to get to success in whatever way you define success. Campbell refers to "leaving the life you planned" and Hill talks about "heartbreaking struggles."

Neither of those two situations - sounds like a boatload of fun. Of course, neither does sitting in a sinking boat.

The thread that runs between these two - is that, to move significantly, you have to feel the pain of the present situation and then use that pain to slingshot you to where you want to go (probably a good idea to know where you want to go....but probably not mandatory right away....sometimes it's best to get out of a "bad here" and assess from a neutral "over there.")

Don't like the word, "pain"? -'s not my favorite either.

Let's use desire - a burning desire. And, in running with that burning desire....

You find - get to......"the life that is waiting" and your "other self."

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