Thursday, December 31, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 1069 - "Should ol acquaintenances......"

HappyUP!!! - MEAT!
Why it happened - it's New Years Eve
Why it makes me happy - I go into the New Year packing a dozen bacon-wrapped filet mignon from the local meat market. It's been forever since I went over and grabbed a box of this goodness. Helloooo 2010!!!

HappyUP!!! - visit with the librarian
Why it happened - I have to put on a program for her
Why it makes me happy - who knows how many will bet at the event but I get a chance to go out and touch some people and help them a little bit...something to look forward to

HappyUP!!! - conversations with several friends
Why it happened - I think NYrs Eve had something to do with it
Why it makes me happy - this is the last of the holiday spirit. While I hate to see that extra little niceness and thoughtfulness we all have during the holidays go, I really appreciate it when it's here.


Seeing a buddy
Having some great conversations
My cats
Shrimp cocktail

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