Friday, December 25, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 1063 - Xmas 2009

HappyUP!!! - golf balls
Why it happened - I have a perceptive family
Why it makes me happy - that's a lot of eggs! I have fresh ammunition going into the new year. I wonder how long it will take me to go through them. Hey, the longer they last, the better it means I am playing. Maybe I can stretch these a bit! Optimism

HappyUP!!! - bread
Why it happened - it was my present
Why it makes me happy - it's a long held tradition. I'll do a seperate web post on it. Long story was a hit.

HappyUP!!! - texts from dear friends
Why it happened - it is Xmas
Why it makes me happy - how can you not be overjoyed to know that people are thinking of you on this day? C'mon....need I say more?


My nieces/nephews
Golf balls
Texts from dear friends
Getting it all done...and over

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