HappyUP!!! - Stogie
Why it happened - he's an incredible cat
Why it makes me happy - I was a little tired. I laid down on the couch on my side to watch the Kings kick some butt. There's not much room ON me when I am on my side. Stogie found it. He is a damn good cat
HappyUP!!! - birdie on 4
Why it happened - two great shots
Why it makes me happy - it was a cold morning...pin was back...I had taken the 4 iron out of play so I had to manufacture a hybrid shot. Knocked it to about 15 feet....and just POURED the putt in to win a hole.
<---This was a bit of a HappyUP!!! How cool was the sunset tonight?
HappyUP!!! -Kings win
Why it happened - Tyreke Evans
Why it makes me happy - hey, I wrote these guys off at the beginning of the year. They have had some close games on the road and come up on the losing end. Tonight, Tyreke took it to the hole with a second to goal and laid in the game winner. Exciting!!!
Warm morning
Bunker shot on 1...chip on 2
Hybrid...birdie on 4
Par on 11
Bunker shot 13
Pitch on 15
6 iron on 17
Kings win...Tyreke Evans
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