Monday, October 05, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 982

HappyUP!!! - yardwork
Why it happened - no golf today
Why it makes me happy - pulled up the last of the plants in the garden...which is actually a little bittersweet. The season is over....I did get enough tomatoes for one more batch of spag sauce. Plus, the weather was just awesome. I'll probably blow off golf to do some more work out there tomorow

HappyUP!!! - communication with friends
Why it happened - I have friends
Why it makes me happy - whether it was e-mail, vc mail, texting, or IMing....I had it all going today.....and all of the chatter was good stuff.

HappyUP!!! - a sleeping kitty
Why it happened - Shadow stayed in, Stogie stayed out
Why it makes me happy - when Stogie stays in, he hops up on the bed and sleeps there for the night. With her brother gone, Shadow decided to take his place. Turns out, she was a bit more intrusive. I went to sleep with a warm, purring thing right in the small of my back.


A sleeping kitty
Good night's sleep
Chatting with a buddy
Yardwork in gorgeous weather
Texting with a buddy
Great e-mail from another friend
Stock Market

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