Saturday, October 24, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 1001

What a banner day!

HappyUP!!! - outside presentation
Why it happened - our group got an opportunity
Why it makes me happy - I was able to involve three of our newer club members. They got to speak outside the cozy confines of the club....always a stretch. Our program went well and everyone got a lot out of it.

HappyUP!!! - seeing my buddy and his band
Why it happened - I grabbed a buddy and off we went
Why it makes me happy - Dom and Rockslide play some great 70's and 80's covers.....I mean they shred it. Hadn't seen them for a long time.

HappyUP!!! - two hours of massage
Why it happened - I signed up
Why it makes me happy - I didn't realize how fast two hours would go by. The gal I went to had bars on the ceiling to support herself while she did manipulations with her feet.....she worked on my bad elbow......this was some good massage I have ever had....totally different style.

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