Why it happened - I struck the perfect gripped down 7 iron
Why it makes me happy - there are good shots...great shots....and, every once in awhile, the perfect shot. I fired this one into the cup today from about 160 yards. I hit it pure, it never left the line of the pin in the air, took a hop, a little roll and disappeared. The Boz was right there to witness the entire thing. It also should be a skin...meaning $.
<----you have to be a conscientious golfer and fix your ball mark.
HappyUP!!! - a solid score
Why it happened - the game is coming back
Why it makes me happy - I still have a little flaw in my swing but it's small, consistent, and fixable. I could have scored much better today but I like how things are tracking for all important April.
HappyUP!!! - a visit to my accountant
Why it happened - it's tax time.
Why it makes me happy - I think I am going to break even this year. In most years, I have a pretty good idea of what things will look like before I go. Today, I had no idea. This is my first year of being retired so anything was possible.
<----that ballmark was right on line. It's a good thing I don't hit the ball with a lot of backspin! At the moment this photo was taken, the precious treasure at the bottom of the cup had not been recovered.
Talking with my friend through crisis
Texting with my buddy...who is in Hawaii
Found 16 bucks in a pair of jeans
Gorgeous weather
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