HappyUP!!! - the stork arrived...my new baby
Why it happened - I spent some time on the project
Why it makes me happy - a voice in the choir has been replaced. I learned a lot in the process. I learned that my ear can hear the difference between mahogany and rosewood. Brand marketing wasn't the driver of my purchase. Service and my ear were. I went from a Taylor....to a Breedlove....to a Martin....and back to the Taylor. The Taylor has a high end that my others don't. While I like the warmth of my other two acoustic guitars, I didn't need another 6 strings emitting that tone. Plus, I have an upgraded ability to play with my amp.
HappyUP!!! - the Fifth String Guitar Store
Why it happened - I have purchased there before
Why it made me happy - though I didn't deal with the owner this time and get my commensurate stories on guitars, two of his employees tagged team me and gave me the information and space to make an intelligent purchase.
HappyUP!!! - Chema Salinas
Why it happened - I met him at the guitar store...on his last day there
Why it makes me happy - he is a business and communication studies graduate student. He will be teaching at my alma mater, Sacramento State, soon. He has loved his time at the Fifth String but now it is time to finish up his studies. We had a great discussion about communication in business, his area of study, plus he was extremely helpful in my purchase. It was nice to be around someone excited about where he is going, where he has been, and where he is today. A HappyUP!!!er
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