Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy HappyUP!!! Anniversary - 200!!!

And a small reminder - it's not about me. It's about YOU!

You have seen the template - 200 times to be exact. Put it in place.

Need accountability? - go to blogspot.com . Start a weblog. It's free. It's easy....really!

Need convincing? - what? I'm not enough? OK, how about this? The Positive Psychology movement is being taught in some of America's most prestigious universities......does Harvard mean anything to you?



Here is the direct link to the landmark article if you are into reading about the study that inspired my HappyUP!!! project. WARNING: it's a scientific paper. Print it out and do some grinding on it if that kind of reading doesn't come easily....like I had to.

Here is the link to the Harvard professor whose classes overfill every semester on the subject. If you go to his 6 tips on becoming happier, here is tip number 6:

Express gratitude, whenever possible. We too often take our lives for granted. Learn to appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life, from people to food, from nature to a smile.

I know - you already KNOW that is a key. But, do you really, really, REALLY do it everyday?

HappyUP!!! - give it a shot for a couple of weeks

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