Thursday, August 23, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 209....HOME!

HappyUP!!! - walking into the house
Why it happened - I have been on a business trip, with a little pleasure mixed in, for 8 days
Why it makes me happy - you know the feeling. You have been gone...and you walk into your house. Now, the house was at 90 degrees so it was a bit stifling but it was still home.

HappyUP!!! - the drive home
Why it happened - I had to get home somehow...and a phone list
Why it makes me happy - it was almost a 5 hour drive...on terrain without much scenery. It flew by. I might has well have been at the office. I had a solid phone list to get to on the way home. Time flies when you are on the phone.....just ask new lovers about that.

HappyUP!!! - 3 promising...very promising recruiting calls
Why it happened - as I have been saying, our company is attractive
Why it makes me happy - I said it yesterday so I will save type. This one is always going to make me happy because it is so important to my job.

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