Sunday, August 05, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 191

HappyUP!!! - a spot of tea on a lovely afternoon
Why it happened - I received an invitation and, because I don't book my free time with a million things to do, I was able to accept
Why it makes me happy - the company was most enjoyable. One pattern that I notice about my HappyUP!!!s is that quality conversations always seem to win a spot in the daily picks. Today's was no exception. Plus, it was such a lovely afternoon, it was beautiful to soak it in outside with a refreshing tonic.

HappyUP!!! - weekly weigh in
Why it happened - the weigh in happens every week
Why it made me happy - I am about 5 pounds down from last week. I am at a spot that I hadn't seen in about 15 weeks. It's funny. As my weight was heading up, I was going, "oh no, I'm top ended. I better do something." Today's weight came in at 2 pounds under the top end and I am saying, "I know what I am doing and I am going to keep doing it until I blow that top end away!" Momentum is a good thing

HappyUP!!! - being here for Dad
Why it happened - the usual caregivers (brother and sis in law) are out of town
Why it makes me happy - I don't actually do that much. I sleep on a couch at the caregivers house rather than my own bed so I can be there during the night should something happen. I help with the denture care, taking of the pills, and making sure feeding is going along as scheduled. They are little things but they are important to my dad. I owe a lot to my dad....and to my late mother. She took pretty darn good care of all of us until the day she died. The cycle of life continues when I do things like this.

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