Wednesday, July 18, 2007

QuoteUP!!! 3....Eleanor Roosevelt on Fear

"Everyday do something that you are afraid to do"

-Eleanor Roosevelt

OK - this one may not be an exact quote. The accuracy is not that important. I know that it is in the zip code. What would happen to you if you ground this into you daily list. Do you know what you are afraid to do? You don't have to go jump out of an airplane though you certainly could. I read recently about a 65 year old woman who went to an artist an posed nude! Wow! That could be a big one...especially when, upon the completion of the drawing, the artist politely asked, "may I have the privilege of kissing your nipples?" A degree of caution may be required but, at the same time, too much caution can keep you in your state of ennui.

The fear can be much less - today, I am afraid to go run on the track. I am afraid of the burning sensation that is going to occur in my lungs. I am afraid that I won't beat my last time. I am afraid it is going to throw my day off with everything else that I could get done. Yet, I have a cogitation about setting a goal to run a 6 minute mile again. It is not a firm commitment yet. I need to overcome the fear above so I can feel a little better about setting the goal. If I fail to breakthrough today's fear, I will never set the goal.

What do you fear? - get out your journal. Keep track of what goes on in your mind. Avoiding something because "you don't feel like it" may actually have a fear at it's root. What is the cost of not addressing that it is a fear in the first place, staring the fear in it's face for what it is, and then overcoming it?

Adopting this one quote - into your daily life is something that make a quantum change.

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