Thursday, July 19, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 174 - a Funeral

HappyUP!!! - the funeral
Why it happened - my friend's father died
Why it made me happy - I wasn't the guy in the box!
(sure....that's s a funny joke. At the same time, I mean it!)

HappyUP!!! - seeing my friend's brother after 28 years
Why it happened - I was at a funeral
Why it made me happy - this was the older half brother of one of my best friends. He was quite the ladies man playboy type back in the day. We all marveled after his style. He is doing great now. He has a son that is engaged. He's living a good life but still has a bit of that wild thing in him.

HappyUP!!! - the lady in the short black dress
Why it happened - I guess she thought it was appropriate
Why it made me happy - she had the legs to pull it off! Sorry but, even though it was a somber occasion, one could not help noticing this leggy lass.....WOW!!! Hey, we paid our respects to our friend's departed father. Who says that it has to be a moratorium on not checking out the scenery. Even if such a moratorium was in place, there would have been NO WAY to avoid it. Happy that I didn't have to. That was one nice pair of legs....and we saw pretty much all of them.

Tomatoes -Funeral -Drive to Auburn -Working with new employee -Working with another new employee - Working with a manager -compliments on car -seeing friend's brother -helping my ailing father

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