Wednesday, September 01, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1311

HappyUP!!! - Tahoe
Why it happened - needed a little getaway
Why it makes me happy - the majority of the world will never get a chance to experience the shore of Lake Tahoe...with a light wind....70 degrees.....the smell of the lake...and the pines. No way to describe have to feel it. Tahoe served up a beauty today.

HappyUP!!! - Lone Eagle Cafe
Why it happened - I know about this place
Why it makes me happy - have to "pay up" a bit for lunch here....but...where else can you sit outside....and take in the aforetmentioned HappyUP!!!...with great food and drink?

HappyUP!!! - chatting with my buddy on the phone
Why it happened - he had to make a tough decision
Why it makes me happy - while it changes my life to a degree (for the worse), he made the right call...the people that he needed some help from demonstrated grace.....while not the best thing that can happen, the decision was the best one.


Car Wash
Lone Eagle Cafe
Gorgeous Tahoe Day
Chatting with my buddy on the phone

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