Friday, December 19, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 691

Here's another view - of "Happy" as he gets in the season and starts to think about going Xmas shopping....

....and, believe it or not, - he actually looks happy about it!.....and he is a guy!

HappyUP!!! - golf
Why it happened - the rain stopped
Why it makes me happy - I didn't play yesterday...or Monday....or Tuesday. It looks like the weather will hold up tomorrow and then steady rain for a week. C'mon...4 days of golf is about the minimum I can survive on and I will barely have gotten that in next week! What will I do next week?....oh....I know....Christmas shop?

HappyUP!!! - day trading
Why it happened - I thought the conditions were right
Why it makes me happy - I really have lost my stomach for the market.....not nerve...more out of disgust for the lack of regulation or enforcement thereof. This morning, with the market heading up, I decided to make a few buys......that I wasn't going to hold for very long. Day trading isn't my thing but it was fun this morning ....and I made some dough!

HappyUP!!! - seeing a friend
Why it happened - my friend stopped by
Why it makes me happy - I ended up doing a small favor when I thought it was going to be a big favor. I would have done the big favor but a small one is easier.


Day Trading
Seeing a friend
An idea re:HappyUP!!!

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