Tuesday, December 02, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 674

HappyUP!!! - found out my friend got a job
Why it happened - he e-mailed me
Why it makes me happy - I have a very talented and unique friend. He has been trying to find a place for his special talents for over a year. Things were getting scary. He has found a spot with an organization that does great things. I am thrilled because this guy could have ended up homeless.

HappyUP!!! - Toastmasters
Why it happened - it was an on week and I am a member
Why it makes me happy - I saw our new banner on the website....I heard a great speech....we had a lot of camaraderie today.

HappyUP!!! - striking it better on the golf course
Why it happened - I am taking the club back straighter and longer WITH a turn
Why it makes me happy - my scoring wasn't there but I FLUSHED (that's a good thing in golf) three irons and I had the driver nicely in play all nine holes. November was an off month. While it will now get colder and more difficult to score, there is no reason not to hit quality shots. I think I'm back on track.


Seeing our website
Hitting some range balls
Thumping the driver
Wedge....6 iron...wedge....4 iron....7 iron
Cancellation tomorrow
Good news for a friend
Phone call from S


mentorman said...

...thrilled with your for our almost homeless friend

...so now you have three excuses to come visit Colorado next year when the snow is off the golf courses

...him, us and you'll have to come to find out the third excuse

Chaplain Vivionne G. Keli said...

Hello Scott,

Nice to see that you are still a great person. I bet you never knew that you were my silent mentor. Funny, how some people go through life not knowing how they have inspired others.

You my friend have inspired me a great deal ever since I met you in the early 90's at Directors Mortgage.

May you continue to be blessed and inspired.

Vivionne G. Keli