Monday, December 17, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 324

HappyUP!!! - getting my nephew dinner
Why it happened - he asked me
Why it makes me happy - I didn't call him before I went to the hospital. I asked him if I could go get him something. He said he really wanted an Ultimate Cheeseburger from food heaven, Jack In The Box. Yeah, I had to go back to the parking garage, drive down the street, wait in a long car line, drive back, repark, and hike back to his room.....and I enjoyed every minute of it.

HappyUP!!! - xmas present
Why it happened - I had a thoughtful manager
Why it makes me happy - I got a book on WW2. Now, I am no historian....I don't even read about this. This person knew, however, about my dad and that is why he bought it. I'll read this little tome.

HappyUP!!! - a bunch of stuff done
Why it happened - I worked it into my day
Why it makes me happy - I stopped by the post office and the dry cleaner before work. I got by the tailor on my way back from a meeting. I made a breakfast reservation. I got some superfood ordered. PLUS...I had a productive day at work. Productivity is a HappyUP!!!

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