Saturday, December 08, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 315

HappyUP!!! - errands with a friend
Why it happened - I got a call
Why it makes me happy - it just so happened that my friend had to run a similar errand that I had been putting off. Much better to do things you put off with someone else

HappyUP!!! - visiting the nephew
Why it happened - he's my bud and he is down in the hospital
Why it makes me happy - trying to cheer the guy up. Plus, I ran into a couple of other friends while I was there. Going to the hospital is not a HappyUP!!! but trying to keep someone living in confinement from going nuts is.

HappyUP!!! - breakfast
Why it happened - it's Saturday
Why it makes me happy - just enjoying time with my adopted family.

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