If that doesn't qualify as a HappyUP!!! - I don't know what does. And to think, I thought that I had got by all these years on just my pretty face!
One of the people on my physical periphery - Angela at AngforHim, has nominated me as one of her five Thinking Blogs. Angela has a kindness of spirit seldom found. She has deep faith and is a very talented writer and mother. Spend some time with her.
While recognition is not - one of the things that fuels the Nutster fire, can any one of us honestly say, "oh, please...stop with the accolades. I get them so often that I just can't stand it anymore." So, I now have one of these to hang on my blog shelf:

To find out more about what this award is all about - just go here.
I guess an acceptance speech is in order - "First of all, I would like to thank my mother who forced me to take a full year of typing when I was in high school. It was arduous work sitting in that class being a senior amidst all of those freshman and sophomore girls. Yet, I persevered and, thanks to you mom, I have never been a hunter and pecker." (Can I say "pecker"...this is a family blog, after all. I think that, in this case, I can).
"I also need to thank the editor of the local sports page when I was in high school. He made me go to every basketball and football game for my high school to write the recount of the action. Though it caused every football and basketball star on campus to kiss up to me for good press, I learned to report the facts and only the facts."
"I could go on and on but, for now, I will nominate the blogs that make me think and continue this meme to force them to do the same:
Positive Sharing - and my cyber friend, Alex. His constant advocacy for happiness in the workplace should be an inspiration to us all and a must read for every business owner or supervisor that is in a position to create a different climate from 9-5.
McNair Wilson's Tea with McNair- keep checking back as he posts with consistent irregularity. Also, if you ever get a chance to see him perform live, do so. I would describe what he does live here but I can't really describe what it is that he does. His advocacy for creativity is boundless.
Wes Roberts - if you are looking for some spiritual depth without being "John Three-Sixteened" on, this is the place to go. If you were looking for a man/couple to pattern your life after, you could do a lot worse than go here. He is known as the wild old man. He accomplishes this without attempting to be wild. As a matter of fact, he attains wildness through mildness. That, my friends, is a neat trick.
Monday Morning at 9 - Nic Askew creates short 5 minute films. A new one plays every Monday. Through these films, Nic makes the viewer delve deeper into what the meaning of life is all about. I think some of his work will blow you away.
Paris Parfait - T nominated me for a thinking award awhile back but this is not a returned favor nomination. She is a journalist by trade. She is one of the best writer's on the entire web. She writes on politics, world conditions, and also on art. Her photographs are thought provoking. If you are into world affairs, antiques, Paris life, or many other things, this is the place to go. Though we don't share political beliefs, she does cause me to think...and that is what this nomination is all about.
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