Wednesday, March 13, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4615

HappyUP!!! - Suitical                       
Why it happened - I needed a solution
Why it makes me happy - my sweet little kitty was NOT going to wear that cone (the Elizabethan Collar...the eCollar) for 10-14 days. It is a brutal thing.  His “surgery suit” came in from today. He LOVES it. It has mellowed him out. Though it does not cover his area (where he was neutered), the suit seems to be acting as a deterrent to him “going there.”  I have high HOPES that this is a perfect solution

HappyUP!!! - Weedeater fix
Why it happened -YouTube
Why it makes me happy - YouTube does it again. I would never have seen how this one part of my weedeater gets disassembled. Maybe it was in the instructions but I thought I actually read them once and didn’t see the answer. There is no question: I learn better by being shown something than reading about it

HappyUP!!! -BrainSTORMERS
Why it happened -we agree to meet regularly
Why it makes me happy - we had great food and a fabulous meeting tonight. People learned and got lifted up but, most importantly, discovered new tools to aid them in their process. I think that I discovered a better understanding of my role in the process.  Cook....facilitator....teacher (the teacher always learns when teaching). Great stuff tonight!

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