Tuesday, January 15, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4558

HappyUP!!! - hitching a ride
Why it happened -I had to take my car in
Why it makes me happy -great ride with my buddy, Rog. Fantastic conversation. It inspired me to put together some video tips for him...which then inspired me to think about another little fun project/learning I could do.

HappyUP!!! -new quilt
Why it happened - I was at the mall
Why it makes me happy -not sure I have ever bought one of these by itself! I KNOW I wasn’t at the least expensive store for that kind of thing. YET, I saw a quilt that was in a color that could work. BAM! Take it! No wasting brain cells over “the perfect bed covering.”  It was 20% off! Oh....wait...there’s more.  The one that was on display? It was the last one that they had...another 20% off.....BOOM!!! I love that quilt even more now. Why? Because it has a STORY it now!

HappyUP!!! -LoveSac
Why it happened -I was at the mall
Why it makes me happy - been thinking about an accent piece from this place. I just haven’t been sure about it.  It’s a bit of coin and, quite frankly, it just may not fit in my new scheme. I dropped in today. I found out what their return policy and procedure was....are you kidding me? Really? It’s that easy? I have that long to figure it out? What else? You are putting things back on sale THIS weekend? Can you make it any easier for me? (No, you can’t).  DONE! I will call you this weekend!


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