Saturday, January 05, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4548

HappyUP!!!  - uke workshop
Why it happened - it was offered
Why it makes me happy -ok...I own a ukulele. THERE....I said it. Are you happy I admitted it? Lol. Uke is a big thing. I get why. This helped me decide it’s just not a thing for me. I learned stuff and met some nice people.

HappyUP!!!  -BH Visit
Why it happened - I made the invitation
Why it makes me happy -he had a great idea. I had a “Yes and...” for it. He loved the idea. He liked the venue and the story. Full steam ahead!

HappyUP!!!  -getting some tab
Why it happened -I asked for it
Why it makes me happy -nice to be able to prepare a bit. I’m a little scared about this oppty I am taking the healthiest of manner. Fear is a great thing because you feel so good when you overcome it!

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