Thursday, May 31, 2007

HappyUP!!! Day 124

HappyUP!!! - last night's party!
Why it happened - we always host a gala event at the convention
Why it made me happy - I get to see so many people that I rarely new people...learn new things. I received a business card and a golf invitation. I got the semi-clearance to delve into a new business opportunity.
Good stuff.

HappyUP!!! - someone in my circle is remarrying
Why it happened - I found out at the party
Why it makes me happy - I not only found out the news....I met the person that my friend is marrying. Wow! He did good. This is one sweet lady with a good head on her shoulders. While only time can tell, it sure appears that he is marrying up......and, if you knew my friend, you would know that is a tough thing to do! I am ecstatic for him.

HappyUP!!! - the morning speaker
Why it happened - there is always a speaker at the breakfast that kicks off the days at the convention
Why it makes me happy - this was a Harvard business professor and former CEO of his company. Academia mixed with practical experience will always hold my attention. He gave a great talk about how company's made all the right moves....the ones that Harvard Business School would have told them to make.....and how, in the end, those moves proved to be the undoing of the company. The underdogs win!

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