Wednesday, August 22, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2039

HappyUP!!! - watermelon pickles
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - it was a well delivered...and very charming speech

HappyUP!!! - If It's White, It's Drywall
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - a VERY funny speech!!!

HappyUP!!! - sleeping in
Why it happened - no coffee appt
Why it makes me happy - I like to get up early....not as early as I used to...but ...sometimes it's good to sleep in a bit

HappyUP!!! - 5 iron on 8
Why it happened - I pured it
Why it makes me happy - it's nice when you flush a golf shot. There needed to be a few more of them.

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