Friday, February 25, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1488

HappyUP!!! - writing
Why it happened - I have a workshop coming up
Why it makes me happy - it is always amazing when I sit down and see what I have learned and what my mind generates

HappyUP!!! - a heavy storm
Why it happened - it's weather
Why it makes me happy - 1) I wasn't out in it 2) there is just something awesome when the rain starts coming down sideways that visually stimulates me 3) the sound of the storm in my upstairs bedroom excites me

HappyUP!!! - help from a friend
Why it happened - I asked
Why it makes me happy - I have a project I am working on. It is so cool when you get assistance from someone in an area that is HARD for you and EASY for them. Win-Win

HappyUP!!! - guitar work
Why it happened - I was inside
Why it makes me happy - I learned a new little trick today....and got in some good practice


Heavy storm
Guitar work
Help from a friend

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