Saturday, July 24, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1272

HappyUP!!! - spanking it on a par 4 in one
Why it happened - I hit a straight tee ball
Why it makes me happy - OK...the hole was only 244....but I flew my drive on to the green to just about 12 feet from the pin...been a long time since I drove a par 4

HappyUP!!! - 4 birdies
Why it happened - played a different course
Why it makes me happy - I like shorter courses! I actually could have had a 5th birdie but I missed a 4 foot putt. I hit some really nice shots today.

HappyUP!!! - nice guys
Why it happened - it was team play
Why it makes me happy - when our club goes and plays another club, you never know what awaits you on the other side. The guys we played with today were about as good as you could hope for.....helpful, fun, and tremendous hosts.


Riding up with Bob-O
Sleeping in a bit
4 birdies
Driving a par 4
Playing with some nice guys
Playing on a different golf course
Spending time with my buddy

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