Wednesday, September 26, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2074

Haven't BBQ'd a pork chop in awhile.
Why? I have no idea.....DELICIOUS!!!

HappyUP!!! - card deal
Why it happened - I opened myself to the universe
Why it makes me happy - I had a project earlier in the year sorting through my late bro's baseball cards. As I did the research, I did a post about something I had and, if someone was interested, let me know. NOPE....not a huge money's actually an extremely lite money deal....but it was consumated today.....and I KNOW that the dude getting these cards is very happy....due to my late brother's collection.

HappyUP!!! - best speaker
Why it happened - I "stepped up"
Why it makes me happy - we had a speaker fail to show up for Toastmasters due to illness. The toastmaster of the day was looking for a spur of the moment speech. I went to work.....during the meeting....and gave a good one. Apparently, it was convincing enough that I have been asked to expand it into a workshop and deliver it to a non-Toastmaster group. Go figure

HappyUP!!! - golf
Why it happened - I golf
Why it makes me happy - 18th partner and I had been getting stomped on all day. Yet, we still had a chance.....BOOM....big drive....BOOM....great second shot....BOOM....a solid wedge to the par 5.  Unfortunately, the wedge was a little short of optimal.....and it left me with an extremely challenging birdie putt of 12 feet due to the break in the green.  I hit that had EVERY chance in the world to drop.....but it broke hard right across the cup.  It was just nice to give it MY BEST in the moment.   Sometimes, you're best falls a little short.......always do your regrets.


Sleeping in
BP checker
Baseball Card Deal
Stepping in as a speaker....and being invited back for more

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