Thursday, September 13, 2012

HappyUP!!! 2061

Why the heck is this a HappyUP!!!? Well,
if you had that going wouldn't know
how much pain was going on there. It's all better 

HappyUP!!! - appreciate your "dawgs"
Why it happened - see the picture
Why it makes me happy - this happened awhile back.....all better now

HappyUP!!! - new glasses
Why it happened - a trip to the eye doc
Why it makes me happy - I was "having a moment"....thinking, "how do I pick out what is in style"....I gotta live with this piece of clothing...everyday...for awhile.  Then I realized...what I already was well aware of....I CREATE MY OWN STYLE....and I really don't care about vanity things like clothes...glasses...or hairstyle (I even shaved my head once in honor of a cancer victim not long ago....I looked GREAT bald).  So....I reverted to my essence....

HappyUP!!! - nailing down a venue
Why it happened - the Division Governor made a request
Why it makes me happy - glad to make a couple of phone calls, make it happen, and help him out of a bind.

HappyUP!!! - calligraphing
Why it happened - I was asked
Why it makes me happy - this was a small project.....but I was happy to do this so a  lady could honor her father.

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