Thursday, July 26, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2012

Yep....those are stuffed tomatoes from
the garden.....along with stuffed mushrooms
.....right before their date with the grill/oven
respectively.  WOW!!!

HappyUP!!! -  dinner
Why it happened - one has to eat
Why it makes me happy - with the abundance of DELICIOUS garden tomatoes, it makes one creative. Sure, you can make spag sauce. Quite frankly, you can use substandard toms for that and just add brown sugar and wine to make up for the lack of flavor in store bought tomatoes.  You really don't want to wast the robust flavor of these red gems.  I am not sure I have ever had a stuffed tomatoe...I know I have never made one.  You can't be one dimensional though. "Hey, how about some stuffed mushrooms too!"  I have had those...but never made them.  I found a recipe.....just to give me an idea.....RADICALLY altered it to make it my own........THIS was pretty much OFF THE HOOK!

HappyUP!!! - haircut
Why it happened - when it's time, it's time
Why it makes me happy - my haircut cycle seems to line up with my little buddy's. He needs one....I need one.  THAT works out perfectly!  My cutter is great.....and closeby.......and was very appreciative of me sharing some of the aforementioned red gems.

HappyUP!!! - Whole Foods
Why it happened - I'm warming to them
Why it makes me happy - it's not the usual place that I shop.  It is a VERY convenient place to get to for a few dinner items....especially if it involves produce or some specialty meat/cheese.  I needed all of that tonight.

HappyUP!!! - BLT day 2
Why it happened - the garden
Why it makes me happy - a BLT just HAS to be in the running for the WORLD's BEST SANDWICH........when made with fresh tomatoes.

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