Thursday, July 16, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 901

That was one incredible day
- yesterday...chock full of HappyUP!!!s and EXCEPTIONALLY good day.

Today is not as action packed - but no problem finding those moments of joy...bliss...appreciation... whatever YOU want to call them.....HappyUP!!!s

HappyUP!!! - brekko with the Boz
Why it happened - I lost a bet
Why it makes me happy - I hadn't planned on company for breakfast. Boz happened to be in the car and looking for breakfast. Stars and moons collide and we were breaking some bread.

HappyUP!!! - a few new duds
Why it happened - my golf attire needs upgrading
Why it makes me happy - I got some nice shorts that are a little cooler....when you are out there on the upper 90 and lower 100 degree days, the heavy cotton cargo shorts get a little heavy. I'm stylin now! Picked up some shirts that have a bit of hi-tech, low-moisture to them as well

HappyUP!!! - stock market gain
Why it happened - it's got some positive momentum
Why it makes me happy - this has been a banner week. It allowed me to sell off a small position of a stock that had been a loser and I made a couple of bucks.


The Foursome
Inside during the heat

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