Saturday, April 30, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 30 Sat

 HappyUP!!! -phone chat with V

Why it happened -we set it up
Why it makes me happy -I have known this lady forever. She truly is amazing ...I didn't realize HOW amazing she actually is. WOW. Committed to helping her out when she is ready. I think I might have powered/added flame to her taking up and accomplishing a dream

HappyUP!!! -adoption party
Why it happened -we brought in a new one...OFFICIALLY...the other day
Why it makes me happy - I was LATE (oops!!!...wrote wrong time down) but plenty of people were there and we had the greatest of conversations. 

HappyUP!!! -cancelling an appointment
Why it happened -I was feeling sub-par
Why it makes me happy -sometimes, you have to do what is best for your body. Could I have "muscled this one out"? Sure. But, why? To prove something? I have nothing to prove to anyone

Friday, April 29, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 29 Friday

 HappyUP!!! -Roseville Glass

Why it happened -I'm doing a project
Why it makes me happy -they cut me a new mirror...WHILE I WAITED!...and it wasn't a long wait. I love convenience. One trip and that's it on this deal

HappyUP!!! -cancelling golf
Why it happened -wasn't feeling well
Why it makes me happy - I caused no disruption to the guys in the group. They back filled. I could have played but it was nice to lay low

HappyUP!!! - texting on stuff
Why it happened -it's how we roll
Why it makes me happy - I relieved someone of a burden...and then did the same thing for someone else. I then enhanced the life of one of my clients.  This was all meaningful stuff ...even if it was by text. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 28 Thursday

HappyUP!!! - setting up the HVAC
Why it happened -I made a phone call
Why it makes me happy -great that I can get this guy out so quickly!

HappyUP!!! - an adoption
Why it happened -the legal system
Why it makes me happy -what a joyful day at the courthouse. Nice that she got so much support. Family time!

HappyUP!!! - getting measured
Why it happened -working on the house
Why it makes me happy -how fortunate that this guy was in the neighborhood to go over this project. It gave me great ideas!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 27 Wednesday

 HappyUP!!! -charger found

Why it happened -I wasn't looking for it
Why it makes me happy -I gave up awhile back and filed this under the "it will turn up" banner. Yep, it had been displaced by someone not named me!

HappyUP!!! - painting finished
Why it happened - it was time
Why it makes me happy - everything looks so nice! Yeah, we will have some touch ups once other stuff is done but this is GREAT. Exciting

HappyUP!!! - chatting with the neighbor
Why it happened -we were both outside
Why it makes me happy -hadn't talked with this dude for a bit. He is a GREAT resource!..and a nice guy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 26 Tuesday

 HappyUP!!! -drive time

Why it happened -heading home
Why it makes me happy -the miles just flew by with this fellow traveller. We caught a break and saved some time by going an alternate route

HappyUP!!! -seeing the paint combination
Why it happened -my painter is almost done
Why it makes me happy -it just looks FANTASTIC!

HappyUP!!! - seeing my furr balls
Why it happened -I came home
Why it makes me happy -yeah, they aren't dogs. The welcoming committee wasn't waiting at the door. Yet, I loved getting my hands on those fluffy things

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy -

Monday, April 25, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 25. Monday

 HappyUP!!! -brekko at the course

Why it happened -we gotta eat
Why it makes me happy -nice time with the team to discuss the day. All in a lovely setting

HappyUP!!! -time on the rock
Why it happened -we are staying there
Why it makes me happy -this is one of my favorite spots in the world. Got visited by a brave squirrel and got a nice "relaxation" video to hold on to

HappyUP!!! - dinner at the Beach House
Why it happened -it was across the street
Why it makes me happy -this is one of the reasons I stay where I do when in this locale. Amazing calamari. The surf and turf I had was incredible. Super time with friends

HappyUP!!! - In Great Spirits
Why it happened -we see things differently
Why it makes me happy -we shot ourselves out of it today...but we didn't care. We got in some great fellowship all during the day

Sunday, April 24, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 24 Sunday

 HappyUP!!! -shutting down after 15

Why it happened -we got places to go
Why it makes me happy -no rush! I love not being rushed. It leaves room for error....(see next)

HappyUP!!! - missing a turnoff
Why it happened -we were engaged in talk
Why it makes me happy - yeah, it added 20 minutes to the drive. Who cares? We weren't on a strict timeline. We were having great conversation

HappyUP!!! -dinner on the wharf
Why it happened - if there is a wharf where you are, eat at it
Why it makes me happy -the food and the company couldn't have been better. The calamari was good... but there will be better tomorrow night.  How does crabbed stuffed salmon sound to you? It tasted AMAZING to me

Saturday, April 23, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 23, Saturday

 HappyUP!!! - WICKED!!!

Why it happened -I planned it
Why it makes me happy -seen it before but not in Sacramento. Awesome to catch this traveling show. Once again, it gave more than a gentle tug at my soul. Always a good thing.  The company was also superb.

HappyUP!!! - Brasserie du Monde
Why it happened - one must eat before the theater
Why it makes me happy - this place took great care of us. The sea bass was delicious. The short ribs surprised me! They even gave me 10% off because I was going to see Wicked. Not enough to pay for parking...but over half! Love that

HappyUP!!! - more planting
Why it happened -I was on a mission
Why it makes me happy - first, it needed to be done. Second, glad I could jam it in before theater and before I leave town for a couple of days tomorrow. We have some great growing weather happening. Also, I really like the smell of the dirt and planting time!

Friday, April 22, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 22, Friday

 HappyUP!!! - 3 Sandies

Why it happened -skillz 
Why it makes me happy -just building some confidence coming into the next week. Big event coming

HappyUP!!! - getting the paint chosen
Why it happened -a deadline
Why it makes me happy -I LOVE (I think) the last minute change I made. Yep, I based it on golf and something coming up. Yep, that is how a guy chooses paint! What a crack up!!! I can't imagine the consternation that would have occurred had a third party been involved. Sure, the outcome MIGHT be better but the process was easy

HappyUP!!! - Nailing down dinner plans
Why it happened -a deadline
Why it makes me happy -hey, it gets a little more crowded downtown these days than I thought. The place I am going to isn't my first choice. Yet, you know what? I often find that ends up being the best choice. Happy to get this off my desk!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 21, Thursday


HappyUP!!! - great session with client

Why it happened -preparation
Why it makes me happy -without the prep, this one might have been less than optimally productive. We nailed this one. Is there more work to do? Always. We established a fantastic base and covered a lot

HappyUP!!! - Thurderstorm
Why it happened -who knows?
Why it makes me happy -I don't think this one was on the radar. I was working at the computer with a FANTASTIC view when it came in. It came in HARD. We need all the water we can get. A good show made it entertaining.

HappyUP!!! - installing a new tuning machine
Why it happened -StewMac
Why it makes me happy -this company was AWESOME to deal with. When I changed things out on my guitar, it was simple. Upon completion, it was like I had a brand new instrument available to me. I had forgotten how sweet this baby sounds! 

HappyUP!!! - Aint No Grave and Gunfight at the OK Corral
Why it happened -I got a buddy
Why it makes me happy -couldn't resist dashing these off to him...on my new baby!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 20, Wed

 HappyUP!!! - Pitching wedge to 4

Why it happened -I practiced it
Why it makes me happy -if I can get this little tweener shot down, it is really going to help. Got it to 4 feet today. Love progress and improvement

HappyUP!!! - closet plan
Why it happened -it came upon me
Why it makes me happy -the painting/remodeling going on is inspiring some new ideas. I am looking forward to doing some serious "scorched earth." If you can't build more space, create it!

HappyUP!!! - Cowichan evaluation
Why it happened -it was my turn
Why it makes me happy -all of these years, I still get a little nervous. I really want to give great advice. "White washing" is not helpful or motivating.  I nailed it with both speakers tonight. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 19, Tuesday

 HappyUP!!! -GREAT Toastmasters meeting

Why it happened -we are good
Why it makes me happy - 3 speeches, 3 evaluations, and 6 table topics all in 70 minutes. Efficient. Members filled in roles. Our new guys gave first evaluations (they volunteered..AWESOME) and did seasoned jobs! INCREDIBLE. Love the energy and the growth

HappyUP!!! - hitting some balls
Why it happened -getting tuned up
Why it makes me happy -found a little something "old school" with my wedges that I can't wait to try on the course. I used to be a hell of a wedge player with these techniques. If I start throwing these in tight, I am on my way

HappyUP!!! - two referrals
Why it happened -I am attractive?
Why it makes me happy - looking forward to my new client this week...and the two friends that will be reaching out shortly. It is humbling in my business when you get this level of trust.

Monday, April 18, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 18, Monday

 HappyUP!!! - hard workout

Why it happened -my dude is pushing me
Why it makes me happy -yep, I am going to feel this one. That is PERFECT! This is exactly what I need to be doing for my distance. I definitely have regained what I had lost. NOW? We move into taking it further. This is PERFECT!

HappyUP!!! - my worker arrived
Why it happened -we scheduled it
Why it makes me happy -hey, workers aren't always on time. This allowed us a chance to go over the scope of project. I know what is expected of me. I will get it done. Good day one!

HappyUP!!! - solidifying a plan for a client
Why it happened -I take my time
Why it makes me happy -sometimes clients DON'T want things. I help them get what they DO want. It is difficult, at times, for the client to come to that place.  We got there today. I can't wait to get started

Sunday, April 17, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 17, Sunday

 HappyUP!!! -Early tee time

Why it happened -Easter
Why it makes me happy - our regular guys bailed. We were able to move to a way earlier time. Just got up early, worked out, and my body felt like it was the regular, later time. I try to avoid morning golf. I won't be able to next week so this was a great tune up

HappyUP!!! -ball striking
Why it happened -been working at it
Why it makes me happy - it wasn't quite a "stripe show" today but there were some really pure shots. The 9 iron on 12 after talking about a hole in one was fabulous. I listened to my caddy there. I hit a pure punch shot. My 6 iron was a bit right on 17 but it was COMPRESSED. This is the way it used to be. 

HappyUP!!! - Intake Call from a referral
Why it happened -my client liked what I did
Why it makes me happy -what a delightful person to talk to. We made progress just in this call. Helping this person is right up my ally! Love feeling useful and help people eliminate pain

Saturday, April 16, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 16, Saturday

 HappyUP!!! -guitar

Why it happened -I am a noodler 
Why it makes me happy -picked up on a new picking pattern as well as got farther along on a couple of tunes. Had some fun with my buddy via MusicMemos as well

HappyUP!!! -rain
Why it happened -it's weather
Why it makes me happy - I wasn't golfing!!! Plus, we need every drop right now. I think we even got snow in the hills. I like to shower and drink water. 

HappyUP!!! -upstairs work
Why it happened -I have a deadline
Why it makes me happy -put a fantastic dent in this project. I will be ready for Monday. Relief!

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy -


Friday, April 15, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 15, 2022 Friday

 HappyUP!!! -holing out

Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy - OK, I should not have had 120 yards for a third shot into 7, a par 4.  When you strike it on the button and it ends up at the bottom of the cup, it doesn't matter. It's just another birdie

HappyUP!!! - drive, wedge, and putt on 14
Why it happened -skills
Why it makes me happy - most people don't take driver on that hole. I drive the ball straight, though. The wedge was perfect to 5 feet and the putt went down.

HappyUP!!! - great progress upstairs
Why it happened -I have a deadline
Why it makes me happy -I'm looking good. A rainy day tomorrow and it should be ready for Monday...with plenty of time left to get some other things done. Tomorrow will be a great one. 

HappyUP!!! - felt great
Why it happened -not sure
Why it makes me happy -I thought I would wake up in a body cast (or at least leg casts) after the workout yesterday. Nope.  A little stiff but nothing that couldn't be worked out. 

Great sleep...interesting early workout...getting upstairs ready....Carolina's ....a solid round of golf...

Thursday, April 14, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 14, 2022 Thursday

 HappyUP!!! -taxes all ready

Why it happened -I got people
Why it makes me happy -yeah, I'm paying this year. The quarterlies just didn't get the job done. Yet, it means I did OK last year. Many didn't.  Everything is in order. No problems

HappyUP!!! - green lights
Why it happened -happenstance
Why it makes me happy -I was running a bit behind. I hit ALL green lights!!! 5 of them in a row! This is the classic HappyUP!!! example I use to explain the concept. The nice thing about me? If they had been red, I wouldn't have freaked.  I can only win in the traffic light game

HappyUP!!! - workout
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -I got some stuff put to me today. It probably wouldn't be major to most but I am going to feel it tomorrow. That is what I am doing all this for. Hopefully, my longevity will appreciate what I am putting in. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 13, 2022 Wed

 HappyUP!!! - back nine

Why it happened -I seem to be doing that as of late
Why it makes me happy -that was a rough trip down the front. It isn't often one gets it turned around but I did today and finished on a good note

HappyUP!!! -crisp irons
Why it happened -been working on it
Why it makes me happy -my iron game has been insufficient for a LONG time. Sure, I can get it on the green. They just aren't "properly" struck....compressed. Had a lot of them today

HappyUP!!! - Canada Toastmaster
Why it happened -I'm international
Why it makes me happy -had a lot of fun leading the meeting. We had a strong speaker giving a strong speech. Plenty of time for everyone to participate in TableTopics. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 12, 2022 Tuesday

 HappyUP!!! - a NEW Toastmaster and great meeting

Why it happened -we are attractive
Why it makes me happy - this young person will do great. We had a couple of KNOCK IT OUT of the park speeches today. The table topics were great. Solid evaluations. Model meeting

HappyUP!!! -an opportunity
Why it happened -I was asked
Why it makes me happy -I have never done a letter like this. It is sort of an endorsement. Honored to be asked. This will be fun

HappyUP!!! - my hygienist
Why it happened -I get the choppers dusted off
Why it makes me happy - dentist wasn't concerned about anything. Great chat and some interesting opportunities presented by my nurse. Great book recommendation too

HappyUP!!! -ham soup
Why it happened -I make stuff
Why it makes me happy -OK...I have some ready made stuff for the week. Great use of a ham bone


Monday, April 11, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 11, 2022 Monday

 HappyUP!!! -dues paid

Why it happened -a member forgot
Why it makes me happy -thought we might lose someone. Glad he is staying aboard

HappyUP!!! - kitchen
Why it happened -it needed it
Why it makes me happy -things got a little piled up. Did some reorganizing. I almost forgot how nice it looks when everything is together. Worth the effort to MAINTAIN

HappyUP!!! - shooting out a tune
Why it happened -I got created
Why it makes me happy -new this would brighten up a day

HappyUP!!! - one liners
Why it happened -I saw a comedian on TV
Why it makes me happy -always great to be armed with new material. This is good stuff


Sunday, April 10, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 10, 2022. Sunday

 HappyUP!!! - the garden

Why it happened -I got on it
Why it makes me happy - rain is coming tomorrow. I got the rest of it turned, raked, and manure applied. I will get some LOVELY natural leaching action.  It just feels great to be running a little ahead of time. In some ways, this is the most labor intensive part of planting. It's done. 

HappyUP!!! - golfing after all
Why it happened -game time decision
Why it makes me happy -between the wind and being Masters Sunday, I wasn't going to play. Sooo glad I changed my mind. The Masters was a snooze fest. The winds were more mild than forecast. The camaraderie was perfect.  Turned a loss into a win with a pretty amazing back 9. It feels good to end on a high note

HappyUP!!! -running into my buddy at the store
Why it happened -pure happenstance
Why it makes me happy -it was FANTASTIC getting caught up...and making some future plans. 

Bonus - extra miling it! I was only going to do the vegetable beds. Hey, might as well mow front and back and trim that pesky lemon bush back at the same time!

Bonus Bonus - creating a new agenda format.  Haven't done something like this in awhile. Out of practice? Hey, how about never had the skills in the first place.  It was worth the time. I have a nice skeleton to work from for future meetings. 

Saturday, April 09, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 9, 2022 Sat

 HappyUP!!! - symposium

Why it happened -I go every year
Why it makes me happy - great seeing some people, great couple of talks, and delicious food

HappyUP!!! -extra miling it
Why it happened -it's what I do (sometimes)
Why it makes me happy -I was ready to stop the process but I said, "hey, one more. There is still daylight" Less to do tomorrow

HappyUP!!! - driving the Box
Why it happened -it needed some miles
Why it makes me happy -yeah, a little's a convertible. It's always windy! Seriously, it was a great little change up

Friday, April 08, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 8, 2022

 HappyUP!!! -all the kids out

Why it happened -we golf
Why it makes me happy -got both the nephews and the nieces boyfriend on the course today. It is rather nice that all of these guys really KNOW how to play golf. It makes it an absolute blast

HappyUP!!! -purity
Why it happened -been working on it
Why it makes me happy -tough day overall on the links but there is some evidence of improvement. Mainly, about 3 very PURE (not just good) iron shots.  This is a GREAT sign.

HappyUP!!! - kicking butt this morning
Why it happened -didn't turn on the TV
Why it makes me happy -it was AMAZING how much I knocked off the to do list before golf today. I shocked myself.  Feeling accomplished

Thursday, April 07, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 7, 2022 Thursday

 HappyUP!!! -New Glasses

Why it happened -it was time
Why it makes me happy -I skipped last year. If you don't wear glasses, you don't get it. It wasn't that my vision was worse. It is just time for a change and the old ones are more at risk of breaking. Good looking pair of specs this time

HappyUP!!! - Luthier
Why it happened -I made an appointment
Why it makes me happy -he was able to do a little hoogie to my axe while I watched and waited. Nice chat. Picked up some info

HappyUP!!! - quick 9
Why it happened -I had a gap
Why it makes me happy -great to join the Boyz on the back side and slap it around a bit.

HappyUP!!! - a couple of new tunes
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - "Don't You Forget About Me" is kind of simple minded (HA!...see what I did there) and "Look Of Love" has some potential for an old ballad.


Wednesday, April 06, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 6, 2022 Wed A SUPER HappyUP!!! Day

Hey - sometimes there is just too much good stuff to get to. Today was all of that. What a day!!!

 HappyUP!!! -golfing

Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -the bro joined us at last minute, played one of the best rounds of the year as the form seems to be returning, we played really fast, and the weather was GLORIOUS. The group was great too.

HappyUP!!! -Table Topics Mastering
Why it happened -it was my turn
Why it makes me happy -I really had fun doing this one and the people really enjoyed the effort I put in

HappyUP!!! - check in the Venmo
Why it happened -March Madness
Why it makes me happy -I didn't win the big prize but I recovered my investment and the money is in the account. LOVE THAT

HappyUP!!! -smash burgers
Why it happened -I cook
Why it makes me happy - hadn't done this in awhile and they came out great. No buns/no bread. The lettuce wrap hit the spot. 

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 5, Tuesday

 HappyUP!!! -guitar fun        

Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy -great screw around day with the axe. Might have even picked up a trick or two. Nice to revisit some old tunes

HappyUP!!! -double win at Toastmasters
Why it happened -I was having fun and being observant
Why it makes me happy -TableTopics was sweet. Me? Over or underdressed? THAT would never happen (tongue in cheek). Did some great evaluating too

HappyUP!!! - cleaning the sack
Why it happened -accumulation had occurred
Why it makes me happy - good to go through the golf bag once in awhile. Lightened the load and got in a little bit of excellent practice as well

HappyUP!!! -great workout
Why it happened -motivation
Why it makes me happy -did this one late...and mowed the lawn while I was "in the groove." It was an "in the groove" kind of day


Monday, April 04, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 4, 2022 Monday

 HappyUP!!! - fun with the judge

Why it happened -she was in the wrong place
Why it makes me happy - it was great to have her at my workout place today. Great lady

HappyUP!!! - nailing down accompaniment
Why it happened -I asked
Why it makes me happy -really looking forward to this venue. Things had been up in the air. All set to go!!!

HappyUP!!! - finished the gazebo
Why it happened -I help when I can
Why it makes me happy -great being together with the family. The structure looks great! And none of us killed each other

HappyUP!!! - NCAA finals
Why it happened -its a thing
Why it makes me happy -Kansas helped recoup bigger losses. I could dig that!@

Sunday, April 03, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 3, 2022

 HappyUP!!! -turnin some wrenches

Why it happened -helping out
Why it makes me happy - always great when you can jump in and give the family a hand on a project

HappyUP!!! - Giuseppe on sweet
Why it happened -see was buying
Why it makes me happy -can't have too many of these babies these days. Perfect to split one with my bro. Delicious

HappyUP!!! - time outside
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - not used to being on the feet that long. It was a great day for it. Great watching the grand nephew hop into a 67 degree pool (BRRRR!..oh to be young and dumb again). First kid in a pool of the year for me.

Saturday, April 02, 2022

HappyUP!!! Saturday April 2, 2022

HappyUP!!! - seeing an eagle
Why it happened -opponent did it
Why it makes me happy -it's expensive when it happens. Yet, an eagle is an eagle. THAT really turned the tide!

HappyUP!!! - Incredible Dice Roll
Why it happened -luck
Why it makes me happy -down to me and one other. Final roll. He had 4 aces versus my 2 sixes. I have one flop with 3 dice to beat that.  In other words, I am buying the round of drinks!  Well, until I wasn't when I lifted my cup and found 3 sixes to match my 2 other sixes! Hilarity ensued

HappyUP!!! - Final Four
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -one stinker and one great game but all is exciting. I am still in it to win a consolation prize. Go JayHawks!!!

Friday, April 01, 2022

HappyUP!!! April 1, Friday....No Foolin Around Here

 HappyUP!!! - one under through 10

Why it happened -just some solid play
Why it makes me happy - it was really nice. Just cruising along. Lost a little focus after that but things are on the right track

HappyUP!!! - a big win
Why it happened -see above
Why it makes me happy - I love to win but it also jumped my partner up in the standings

HappyUP!!! - the new mattress
Why it happened -maiden voyage
Why it makes me happy -it came in yesterday. It may take some getting used to but I think I really dig it. Its WAAAAAY thicker than my last one which means no more having to do a squat just to get out of bed!